Secret Garden Discovered? - Jan 10, 2025
Dear gardening friends
Our Crepe Myrtle "Tuscarora" is looking fabulous on our front lawn. This is probably my favourite colour for street planting. It comes out almost red then it fades to this colour. It gets absolutely covered in big bunches of crepe like flowers.
It's grown about 6 metres high by 4 metres wide. It won't interfere with power lines and it provides enough shade for cars.
We have the full range of Crepe Myrtles in the nursery today including a few dwarf growing varieties too.
This recent rain will see them sprouting new growth and even more flowers will follow. They are such tough hardy trees, we should be planting more.
To make your new tree grow faster dig a bag of Tim's Best Potting mix into your soil. You'll be amazed how much faster it makes your plants grow.
I drove past this beautiful house and garden yesterday so I just had to stop and take a photo for you. My Aunty Una used to live in this street. Google Aunty Una's Lemon Cake and the recipe will come up, it's to die for.
But this story is about this house and garden at 58A. 58B has a lot of competition. This style of clipped garden is a bit out of fashion now, but doesn't it look amazing. The Frangipani is the star of the show. The fragrance must be amazing!!!!!
Then there's clipped topiary of Ficus hillii. There's a hedge there too, just to screen out 58B. Everything looks so green and healthy. It's a beautiful garden.
Looks so good in this photo.
We've had a little rain to wash the dust off the flowers. It's so beautiful to see the plants responding. This cream coloured Frangipani smelt so nice just now. The scent can bring back so many memories.
You will notice that Frangipanis are flowering all over Sydney. The dry spring and summer often means they flower better, and the leaves are disease free.
You must find room for a Frangipani in your garden. They grow beautifully in pots or gardens. Dig a bag of Tim's Best Potting mix into your soil to improve drainage, and to make your Frangipani grow faster.
If you're growing your Frangipani in a pot, use our Tim's Best Potting mix. Choose a big pot that holds at least one bag, if it holds two bags even better. Potting mix holds the water and nutrients, so more potting mix means, more water and more growth.
Find the sunniest spot possible. They need sun to flower, more sun means more flowers. They are easy to grow. They will reward you with fragrant flowers that will intoxicate you. They remind you of tropical holidays.
We have over 30 varieties here including the rare Red and Blue colours. You can start a collection. Make your nose happy.
Sometimes we spend thousands of dollars putting extensions on our houses, when all we really need is an outdoor room. I've made an outdoor room in my garden, just by putting a table and two chairs in a shady corner. I'm surprised how often I see my boys sitting in a chair talking to their girlfriends.
They have privacy, and I nice shady spot to sit on a hot day. To plan your room you just need to plant some trees on the northern side of your garden. As these trees grow they provide shade.
I planted a Frangipani and a Magnolia Teddy bear.
Both these trees have fragrant flowers in the warmer months so it's such a lovely place to sit on a hot day. It's cooling and it's great for your mental health to hear nature all around you.
Come and talk to us about the best small trees to plant in your garden. Recent rain means it's now a great time to plant.
We have a new Dwarf Crepe Myrtle called "Enduring Summer Red". This amazing bushy shrub has intense red flowers all through summer and sometimes into autumn.
This dwarf variety stays bushy so it will help screen your fences. It grows super fast, it actually loves this hot weather.
We have beautiful plants covered in buds and flowers for just $34.99. We give 10% off for Seniors.
Happy gardening