The Fragrant Flowers Smell Delicious! - Oct 25, 2024
Dear gardening friends
Our Hydrangeas are starting to bloom. We have the most beautiful plants this year. They are big bushy plants, all beautifully grown by our suppliers. We have all your favourite colours. These make great gifts and they are much cheaper than a bunch of flowers.
Hydrangeas grow best where they get morning sun then shade, in the Western suburbs. This is because they love water. Grow them where they get afternoon sun and they will droop and look sad and the foliage will get burnt.
But grow them where they get afternoon sun protection and they will be lush green and happy and they will flower every year and bring joy to your garden.
They can be grown in big pots using Tim's Best Potting mix but they will need daily watering in the summer months. They are best in the ground. Dig Tim's Cow manure into your soil to give them a great start. Water daily to get them started.
These old world shrubs have the most beautiful big ball like flower heads. They really are beautiful shrubs.
They grow about 1.2ms x 1.2ms. Prune them every winter to keep them smaller.
We always sell out.
Zoom zoom.
I've just dropped off a potted plant for Dean. He's a quirky character who calls in to visit us several times a week. He's always got a story of the day. Sometimes it's the same story as yesterday, but we always have a smile for Dean and he's worked out which of our staff give him the love we all need.
Dean is full of surprises, I think he's amazing. I've just delivered a potted native plant called a Wooly Bush. You'd never think it would look good on a balcony, but when I put it on Deans patio it just popped with all his other unusual plants.
Dean has lived in his one bedroom unit for 27 years he told me today. He's got all his Halloween stuff on display. He wanted to know why we don't sell it?
Dean displays all his collectables with style, everything has its place, it's all beautifully arranged. It made me smile.
Sit there and I'll take your photo mate. I want to show people how clever you are. You're amazing Dean.
"Am I?".
Yes I think you are.
How beautiful is Chinese Star Jasmine!!!!! This glossy green climbing plant can be grown almost anywhere in sun or part shade. The fragrant white flowers are amazing. It's just sooooooo beautiful.
We have plants, you need one.
They make great ground covers too!!!
I'm not sure if you know much about these smaller growing shrubs. They are called Peruvian Lily's or Lily of the Incas. They are botanically called Alstroemeria.
We've just bought a selection of these from a nursery in South Australia. I've noticed they are being grown by our suppliers in Victoria too. Are they keeping these a secret from NSW gardeners??????
Alstroemeria are hardy perennials that flower from late spring through to autumn. They multiply under the ground so you get more plants for free.
Plant breeders have been busy recently growing new varieties that stay smaller and flower longer. The flowers are long lasting in a vase, so they are popular.
New varieties grow about 45cms high by 60cms wide. They grow well in pots or gardens in sunny spots. They love good drainage, especially in winter, when they die down.
We've had great success growing these in pots using Tim's Best Potting mix. They grow fresh new growth and even more flowers.
You can dig them up in early spring and divide them up. Swap with friends, or pot them up, and give them away as Christmas gifts. They look spectacular during the holiday period.
We have a nice selection of flower colours here now and plants are available from $18.99. We have variegated varieties too. These plants were popular 50 years ago, they are coming back into popularity just like Dahlias. We are having a renaissance.
Gardeners are turning into Grannies.
Bring your trolley!!!!
And a hanky.
It's Rose Week. Yes it's running for a month.
You might notice that all the Roses in your garden are bursting into bloom this week. Our Roses are bursting into bloom too. Keep an eye out for Aphids on the new growth and flower buds. They stop the Roses from flowering properly. Spray with Yates Rose Gun.
Come see our Rose bushes, they have never looked better!!!!!
Happy gardening