It’s Back In Stock Baby! - Oct 11, 2024

Dear gardening friends
Back in stock baby!!!! These amazing Supertunia "Jazz Berry" are back in stock. We've sold so many, our supplier ran out. Now we've gone to Victoria to find more plants for you.

Supertunias double in size every week. If you've already bought one, you will be amazed how fast they have grown. One plant can fill a pot like this. You can grow them in your garden too.

Supertunia "Jazz Berry" is this beautiful purple colour. It just looks amazing all spring, summer and autumn. Grow it in a pot using Tim's Best Potting mix.

Plants cost $18.99. They will flower non stop.
We have other colours too.

John just came in with his friend's Calla Lilly. I was having a cuppa and I looked up and there was John's face. He had two problems, both not his own, but John is one of those caring people, he speaks quietly, he's very serious.

The first problem is his friend has left her Calathea outside over winter. This tropical plant hates the cold, so all the leaves have turned yellow. I've told him to leave it outside over summer, in the shade, but put it inside over winter.

The Calla Lilly is on life support. It's only just been potted up into this unknown potting mix. It looks bone dry on top but it's soaking wet on the bottom. When I tip it out of the pot, I discover the barcode is covering the drainage hole. I remove the sticker, and repot John's friend's plant. I tell him to water it when he gets home.

His demeanour has changed, his face lights up.
I look him in the eye and notice he has the most amazing blue eyes. I tell him so. He tells me "I'm Irish, I've got old eyes now". That makes me smile.

John goes away happy, he's going to bring his friend down to meet me, she works at the Woodbine shop. John does a bit of cleaning up there too. You might have seen him. He's got a heart of gold. You want to hug him.

Sometimes you come across something that's so amazing, you want to share it with your gardening friends.

That's what happened when I ate this Big Yellow Tomato. It was so amazing, and so different, I saved the seeds so you could grow it too.

Tim's Big Yellow Tomato has soft skin. You won't have eaten a Tomato like this. It has more vitamins, than red tomatoes, and you're less likely to burp, after you eat them.

It's an heirloom variety so it's grown for taste. Pick it early and ripen inside to avoid fruit fly. Grow it in a big pot using Tim's Best Potting Mix or grow it in your vegetable garden.

Tim's Big Yellow Tomato seedlings cost $4.99.
They grow super fast.
Make sure you stake them.

It's Rose Week. You might notice that all the Roses in your garden are bursting into bloom this week. Our Roses are bursting into bloom too.

Spotted this Leucospermum cordifolium flowering through the fence of a grand old house in Narellan.

I've seen these Leucospermum flowering in all parts of Sydney. They are in the same family as Grevilleas so they have thrived during this recent dry spell. But even native plants will be enjoying this rain.

They are often called a Pin Cushion shrub. This plant is fully grown, and it's looking spectacular!!!

The native birds love these nectar filled flowers.
Surprisingly they are not native to Australia.
They come from Africa, but they are in the same family as Grevilleas and Waratahs.

We have beautiful plants in stock today. They are covered in buds, about to burst into bloom. Just come and ask for a Pin Cushion shrub. We have repotted them into bigger pots using Native potting mix. This will make them grow faster!!!

Have you noticed that if you're ever running late you'll need petrol? Well this story isn't about today, I've just had a flash back.

I lent my car to a family member for a day or two and when I got it back the petrol light was on, I was thinking OMG I'm not going to be able to make it to a Petrol station.

I was driving along Hurley street heading towards Menangle, I did a u turn where they encourage you to do u turns and I headed back towards Queen street.

I was leaning forward in my seat, this makes your car go faster.

As I went past Campbelltown Council my car ran out of petrol. It coughed it spluttered but surprisingly the car kept rolling as I hit Broughton street. The pedestrian crossing was free as I hit Queen street.

I rolled down Queen street leaning forward the whole time, cars that were stopped miraculously moved just as I came to them, it was like the Red Sea parting. I almost became a believer!!!!!

I kept rolling, pedestrians were walking past me, I would have put on my flashing lights if I knew where the button was. I kept rolling.

As I came to the Shell garage I turned left and rolled up beside the Diesel pump. I raised my hands in the air, I clapped, it was like I'd won a gold medal. I looked around, nobody else was clapping, it was one of those moments.

I filled up, I over filled it, I was never going to run out of petrol again, I bought a Freddo frog. I might have bought two.

Happy gardening