The Most Amazing Fragrant Shrub! - Sep 27, 2024

Dear gardening friends
Finally it's raining, so you can fertilse your lawn with Tim's Rapid Results Lawn Food. Best results are always achieved after rain. This is a modern fertiliser that's coated, so it doesn't release straight away, and wash into creeks.

It contains 21% Nitrogen, so it will turn your grass bright green. One bag treats 260m2. It also contains a wetting agent.

It's exclusive to Tim's Garden Centre.
It costs $27.99. This fertiliser is amazing and it's suitable for all types of grass including Buffalo.

I planted my Tomatoes yesterday, yes I've discovered that if I plant them a little bit later at my place, they actually grow better. I prepared the soil last week by digging in Tim's Cow manure then I dressed the soil with Tim's FAST FOOD. This is a complete fertiliser with all the trace elements that plants need for optimum growth and fruiting.

I planted my Tomatoes deeper in the ground. Tomatoes actually send roots out from the stems if you plant them deeper. This makes them grow more vigorously.

When I was studying at Ryde School of Horticulture they taught us to prune the side shoots as the plants grow, so you get bigger fruit. But then I saw that The Diggers Club had run a trial with Tomatoes that were pruned, against Tomatoes that weren't pruned. The results were spectacular.

The Grosse Lisse Tomatoes, that weren't pruned, produced 33% more Tomatoes and surprisingly the fruit were no smaller. So two myths were busted.

Since then I've grown my Tomatoes without pruning them, and as the Tomatoes grow, I use multiple stakes and I attach the branches to these stakes. You're basically turning one Tomato plant into several.

It's not as neat, and you do need more stakes, and the plants take up more room, but I've also discovered the birds don't touch the lower fruit, that grows amongst the branches.

I'm growing Tim's Fruit Fly Resistant Tomato. This heirloom variety has a natural resistance to fruit fly and the apricot sized fruit are so sweet and delicious. This one plant will produce over 100 tomatoes.

Tomatoes need to be watered every day especially if you're growing them in pots. Use saucers on your pots and they will produce even more fruit.

I always mulch my garden and pots with Sugarcane. This keeps the sun off the soil, so there's less evaporation. More water means more fruit.
The mulch breaks down to add Organics to your soil and this attracts earthworms because worms love moist soil. Gardening is very simple.

You should be growing Tomatoes too.
They are fun to grow and home grown just tastes so much sweeter. We forget that store bought tomatoes have no taste.

Dave Preston just called in to buy Tim's Cow manure. He's a friend, and one of our regulars. He was even more of a friend when he worked at Cobbitty
wines, "oh the Lambrusco".

Dave gave me this Aloe about 5 years ago. It was just a baby plant, taken off the side, of one he has growing in his garden. It's an unknown heirloom variety, which we have called "Dave's Delight". Yes we named it after him.

We potted up that Aloe into this old concrete pot, which we found in the pot recycling bin, using Tim's Best Potting mix. It's grown like a triffid, and it's burst into bloom recently. The flowers are spectacular.

When Dave came in today, I just had to get his photo with his plant. Dave is camera shy, but his plant isn't. Thanks Dave.

You're going to see this shrub flowering all over Macarthur. It gets purple, mauve and white, perfumed flowers, in profusion. It's so easy to grow.

It's called Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
What an amazing name for a shrub!!!!!

Its botanical name is Brunfelsia. The flowers fade so that's why the colour changes everyday. Plant it near your windows so you can smell the fragrant flowers.

This plant can also be grown in a big pot using Tim's Best Potting mix. We also have a dwarf variety here, that's more suited to pots.

Citrus trees are amazing, they never stop working.
We've just picked a massive crop of Lemons and now the tree is starting all over again.

The fragrant flowers attract the bees, once pollinated they become fruit.

It's important to keep them well watered so the flowers and the fruit don't fall off. It's critical.

We will be fertilising this tree with Tim's Cow Manure and Tim's FAST FOOD to turn those yellow leaves green again. So much energy is used to produce flowers and fruit so you have to feed your Citrus.

Tim's Cow Manure does amazing things to your soil.
It doesn't just feed your plants it also makes the soil hold more water. Water is the secret. When plants get more water, they produce more fruit. Gardening is so simple.

Roses, Roses, Roses, they are all flowering now.
Come and choose the most fragrant variety.
It's the perfect time to buy potted rose bushes.

Happy gardening