Get ready for spring! - Aug 11, 2011

I had my shorts on this week so spring is near. I didn't realize I had so many freckles.

In the next couple of weeks you will get the spring gardening bug. This bug makes you go outside and suddenly realize that your garden has been over taken by weeds. You will find yourself buying weed killers and fertilisers in an attempt to bring back the love in your garden.

You will decide to grow tomatoes because the ones you buy in shops look like tomatoes but they actually taste like cricket balls. You will start to wonder why you know what cricket balls taste like.

You will spray the lawn for bindii when you notice your dog is trying to put on your gum boots. You will have trouble starting the lawn mower because it hasn't been used for 3 months and the petrol has gone off.

You will fall in love with flowers; you will find yourself picking flowers and skipping down the street. You will find yourself sniffing perfumed flowers like gardenias, boronias, roses and jasmine.

Then spring will be over, the bug will be gone, and you go back inside and watch T.V

Tim Pickles is a CNP horticulturist and director of Tim's Garden Centre 2 Queen St Campbelltown 46267022.