Get A Green Lawn In 14 Days? - Sep 08, 2023

Dear gardening friends

Gail Brooks made me laugh.
I stopped to take a photo of her Wisteria this afternoon.

How long have you had it?
19 years, she replied in a flash.

How could you possibly remember that?
I laughed.
"My girlfriend gave it to me when I turned 40."

Is she still your girlfriend?
Yes she replied.

"I had it in a pot for a about 4 years"

Does it always look this amazing, or is it a good year?
"It always looks like this. My head gardener prunes it back every winter. He cuts off all the tendrils. I don't want it attaching to the house"

I meet The Head Gardener.
Doug comes out of the house, to see what all the fuss is about. It's like he's just woken up, but he instantly starts to smile.
I like him.

It turns out Gail and Doug are really Cactus and Succulent lovers. They have them everywhere in pots and in the garden.

I confess my love for one of Gails plants, and next minute she is offering me a cutting.
Gardeners are generous souls. Most plants have traveled the world to be given away.

She shows me out back.
She's got a collectors dream Cactus in a big pot. It would be worth a fortune.

I offer to bring them a plant, to add to their collection. A Crassula ovata, dark pink flowering form, which I've only recently acquired. We leave as friends.

We have Wisteria sinensis, or Chinese wisteria in stock. They have amazing fragrant flowers. You can grow it as a vine, over your pergola, or prune it like Gail. They can be grown in pots using Tim's Best Potting mix. We have White Wisteria too.

It's raining today, it's time to fertilise your lawn, so it's the perfect time to apply Tim's Rapid Results Lawn Food. This small 4kg bag is turbo charged, so it will fertilise 260m2 of lawn.

Simply apply it by hand of use a Scott's Fertiliser Spreader. Tim's Rapid Results will turn your grass bright green in 14 days. Best results are always achieved after rain.

Tim's Rapid Results has an added Wetting Agent, so it helps your grass, stay wetter longer. It will keep your grass green for 3 months. You can't burn your lawn with this product and it's been specifically designed for Buffalo lawns, but it's perfect for Kikuyu lawns too.
The 4kg bag costs $25.99.
Its a bargain.

My Geraniums are looking fabulous for spring. This one's called "Elite Dark Red". This is one plant.

It's growing so beautifully, because I planted it using Tim's Best Potting mix. I've had this plant for at least 5 years.

If it ever looks tired, I cut it back by 25%, and feed it with Tim's Cow manure. This conditions the soil, makes it hold more water, and the natural fertiliser makes the Geranium come back like this.

Geraniums are brilliant pot plants because they love good drainage. You'll often see them growing spectacularly, when they are planted behind retaining walls.

They grow best in the sun. They will take half day sun. They need to be watered, but not as often as other plants.

I love this colour red. I love red.
My front door is painted this colour.
Does that frighten you?

We have Geraniums. We have this variety "Elite Dark Red". We have others too. But they won't grow like this, unless you use Tim's Best potting mix. It's worth the drive, come and see us.

Have you seen this new double flowering Lavender? "Lavish Lavenders" are the worlds first, double flowering variety.

They have these huge flowers, with rabbit like ears, and then they sprout from the sides too. The flowers are enormous!!!!!

They come in pink, purple and mauve. They make cheap flowering gifts and we will wrap one for you for free. Plants cost just $18.99.
You will love the big flowers!!!!

We've brought these all the way from South Australia. They've come on a holiday to Campbelltown. They were promised somewhere a little bit more exotic. Some of them have bought beach towels.

They will thrive in sunny gardens.
They can be grown in big pots using Tim's Best Potting mix. They stay nice and compact.
We have beautiful plants covered in flowers now.

Come and see us. We have been so busy.
We've started 3 new staff members this week.
They have smiling faces, come and meet them.
Happy gardening