Bat Plants have arrived!!!! - Dec 23, 2022

Meet Mr Poo.

Dear gardening friends.
Yes it's Christmas on Sunday.
You still have time to buy presents.
Come and see us, we have living gifts that grow. We also have beautiful ceramic pots and lots gifty things too!

Bat Plants arrived this week.
These spectacular indoor plants have huge green leaves and black, bat like flowers.
It's a collector plant, it makes a fabulous gift. We can gift wrap one for you.
Plants cost $27.99
Zoom zoom

"Merlot" has just arrived.
This Merlot's not in a bottle.
It's a new release tree that's arrived just in time for Christmas.

Cercis canadensis "Merlot" is a smaller growing tree with the most beautiful purple/red heart shaped leaves.

It's an improved form of the famous Forest Pansy Tree. The leaves are smaller, it's more heat tolerant, and it keeps this beautiful purple colour, longer into summer.

In autumn the leaves turn orange yellow. It's spectacular.

In winter the leaves fall, to allow the winter sun, to warm your house and garden.

In spring, it has the most amazing lavender pink flowers. It's a spring blossom tree.

But the best news is, it only grows 3.5ms high by 4.5ms wide. That's a small tree, that's perfectly suited for todays courtyard sized gardens.

Beautiful trees cost $89.99.
There's nothing better than planting a tree for Christmas. It's a present for the world!!!!

You know this guy in the Parra shorts, I've written stories about him before. He turned up during the week and he didn't look well. "I've had the flu for 3 weeks, I nearly died, I'm only just getting over it, I almost gave up".

My family have had this mystery illness too, it's not Covid, but it knocks you around.

I knew Paul wasn't well when he went on a 15 minute rant about Sugarcane going up 30cents a bag. Paul supplies us with Sugarcane and Organic Life, he's the distributor. The prices have gone up 3 times this year and he's had enough.

"It's tough" he tells me, "We've had a terrible spring, we had a terrible autumn too." I remind him about Covid days when the nursery industry had a boom season when everyone was stuck at home.
We have a laugh.
Paul starts to smile again.

I may have told him he looks terrible, and I've never seen him looking so old. We discover he's the same age as me, we talk about retirement.

He admits that he's bought a huge Winnebago, it's 2 bedrooms and a living room on wheels.

I realise that Paul's smiling again, "I should charge you for this you know, I should come in a bottle."
He laughs again, he's back.

"Stand beside your Poo number plate and I'll take your photo."

"It should be Mr Poo" I tell him.
We laugh again, I shake hands with him, I instantly have regrets.
I'm going to wash that hand I'm thinking.
But I don't.

We are closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day. I hope you enjoy your Christmas. Thank you for supporting us this year.

If you're staying home to do some gardening over the Christmas break, come and see us. We would love to help you choose the right plants.

It's getting very dry, so you'll have to start watering your lawn and gardens. Pot plants will need almost daily watering.
Indoor plants might need to be watered twice a week now.

Enjoy your Christmas.
Be kind to everyone.
Enjoy your friends and family.
See you soon.

Happy gardening