We’ve got the hottest Chilli in the world!!!! - Oct 10, 2022

Our Rose Bushes are beautiful.

Dear gardening friends

The World's Hottest Chilli has just arrived. It's rated 10+++. It's called "Carolina Reaper". Yes, even the name sounds dangerous.

Kieran had great success growing this variety last year in a big pot, using Tim's Best Potting Mix. He got so many fruit he hung them on his clothes line to dry.
He's a bit quirky!!! (See picture)

We have the full range of Chilli's now so you need to come and visit us. The best news is, they cost just $5.99.

They are easy to grow in pots in sunny spots using Tim's Best Potting Mix. They will be fruiting at Christmas Time.
You can give the fruit away as gifts.
You can have spicy chicken. Really spicy!!!!

Talk to Kieran, he's our Chilli expert.
We have milder varieties if you don't want to burn your bot. Look for varieties with a 2-3 rating.

Spotted this beautiful colourful shrub in Campbelltown. It's called "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow".

It has three different coloured flowers on the one bush. The flowers are fragrant too!
They smell amazing.

It's botanically known as Brunfelsia. We have dwarf and taller growing varieties.
They grow best in morning sun and then shade but I've seen them growing in full sun too.

The flowers are toxic, if eaten, so best planted away from pets and small children.
They can be grown in pots. Use our Tim's Best Potting mix for best results.

Gardenias are coming into flower. These glossy green shrubs have the most beautiful perfumed white flowers.

They are one of the most popular, perfumed shrubs in the world. They are easy to grow and they can be pruned to any size.
They can be pruned as a hedge.

There's an absolute beauty at Macarthur Mercedes, in Blaxland road. It's about to get covered in flowers in the next couple of weeks.

The most popular variety is Gardenia Florida. This variety only grows hip height and it flowers most of the year. But it's in spring that it really puts on its best floral show.

Gardenias will grow in any position but the flower buds get burnt and don't open if the plants get the hot afternoon sun.

They flower best where they get morning sun followed by afternoon shade.

They can be grown in big pots. We've had one in a pot for 30 years or more. It's fabulous. Check it out in the shade house.

We've found the best grown Gardenias in Australia. They have been grown in Bega. Yes they make good cheese in Bega too.

We have huge plants covered in buds about to burst into bloom for $26.99. We have 50. If you're growing them in pots, use our Tim's Best Potting Mix. They love it.
So will you.

If you've got a Gardenia and the older leaves are turning yellow, feed now with Tim's FAST FOOD Fertiliser. It's got all the trace elements your Gardenia needs, for green leaves, and more flowers.

This made me smile so much during the week, I chucked a u-ey, to take a photo. It was wonderful to see these cars parked in the shade of these beautiful trees.

I planted these Chinese Elms when my children attended St Peter's Primary School. They helped me plant them.
I parked my car in this treeless car park every morning, when I dropped them off.
I couldn't believe that a 30 plus year old car park wouldn't have shade trees.

One day I planted these Chinese Elms. It's a variety called Ulmus parvifolia "Todd". It doesn't weep like regular Chinese Elms.

Later I went back and planted some native trees on the other side of the car park. These Waterhousia floribunda have grown beautifully too.

I often get complaints from people saying "you should be planting native trees." But birds and animals don't mind which trees you plant. They just want more trees.
The world needs more shade.

I've found out recently that I'm not suppose to plant trees. I was surprised to learn that you can't even plant trees on your own nature strip.

There's no way Councils can plant all the trees we need to keep the world cooler. They are going to need our help. They can't pick up all the papers either.

This is what our potted Rose Bushes look like. (See picture) They are all covered in buds. They have lush green foliage.

You'll be hard pressed to find better Rose bushes anywhere in Australia.

I think it's amazing that you can buy a Rose bush, cheaper than you can buy a bunch of Roses, from the florist. You can own the plant, and grow your own flowers.

In the next couple of weeks, half these roses will all be sold. When they come into flower, we sell 200 Roses bushes a week.
People love roses.

I had a guy in yesterday who dreams about Roses. His kids played on our Playground, while he looked at Roses.
He loves the flowers he told me.

I've just rediscovered the most beautiful little hamlet called Fairwater Gardens. It's in Harrington Park. I've been here once in winter, and I thought I must come back in spring.

It's the most beautiful estate, with street trees perfectly positioned to look fabulous, but also planted to give you privacy from your neighbour across the road.

The tree scape is always changing, there's Manchurian Pear trees planted at the entrance. It would have been like driving through falling snow here a couple of weeks ago, when they were covered in white spring blossom.

Now the lime green leaves have appeared. It's like driving through a park.

There's Chinese Tallows in one street, just coming back into leaf. They have fabulous heart shaped leaves that go crimson red in autumn. There's trees for kids to climb everywhere here.

There's a nice street of Waterhousia floribunda trees here too. These fast growing rainforest trees have the most beautiful coppery new growth and weeping foliage. They have bird and bee attracting white flowers in summer.

There's paths on many of the streets, but it just feels so beautiful here, you could walk on the roads.

It's worth a drive through just to see how well the landscaping has been designed. It wasn't an after thought. It was planned for living.

These houses must sell for a bomb. Who wouldn't like to live in a leafy suburb like this. It makes you feel good.
Check it out.

I had an experience with Harvest yesterday. I've been using this fabulous organic product on our potted Rose Bushes every week.

I mix it with Yates Rose Shield.
Our Rose bushes have never looked better despite all this wet weather.

I put 2 caps in my 10 litre sprayer.
It's twice the recommended rate.
But it's giving amazing results.
The leaves are so healthy.
It's crazy.

But yesterday I got some on my finger. I wiped it off on my shorts.
I smelt my finger. Wow it stunk.
It still stunk 2 hours later.
I even used soap.
I think I can still smell it this morning.
It's got a fragrance you won't forget.

Graham Ross put me onto this product about 10 years ago.
I had a sick Frangipani with lots of die back and he recommended I try Harvest. It worked.

It's an interesting product.
It's made from Ocean Fish, Tasmanian Seaweed and Fulvic acid. (Fulvic acid is a natural component of humus that helps plants absorb nutrients.)

It contains a natural wetting agent too.

There's a warning not to get it in your eyes. Maybe there should be something about wearing gloves and don't wipe it on your shorts too.

It's a great product.
Plants seem to love the smelly stuff more. Maybe they just grow to get away from it?

This product is great for Tomatoes too. Spray it over the foliage.
Try the recommended rate first.
I'm a bloke.

We are high and dry here at Tim's Garden Centre so you can come and visit even if it's raining. We've got concrete paths so you won't get muddy shoes. We've got umbrellas too.

Come for a visit. A lot of our customers just come for a walk to see the flowers. We are happy if you just do that too.

Arthur's Big Greek Tomato seedlings are for sale now. This heirloom variety comes from Arthur's Family farm in Petri Greece.

The fruit can weight up to 1kg.
They are enormous.

We grow this tomato every year to raise money for The African AIDS Foundation.
Plants cost $5.00. All this gets donated to AAF. We do all the work for free.
We appreciate your support.
Happy gardening