He had a cyst the size of an orange!! - Aug 19, 2022

The world's first double flowering Lavender.

Dear gardening friends

We have the most amazing selection of Lavender plants, including The World's First, Double Flowering varieties.

Lavenders thrive in those hot sunny spots in your garden. They can also be grown in big pots, using Tim's Best Potting mix.

The big wet has seen lots of plants drop dead in your garden. Now's the time to replace them.

Improve the soil with Tim's Cow Manure. It brings damaged soils back to life naturally. Plant your new shrubs and water twice a week.

If you're buying Lavender plants, plant them straight away. They often drop dead, from lack of water, if you leave them sitting on the concrete near the tap.

Bees love Lavender plants.
Let's make the bees happy this spring. They've been doing it tough lately.
The more bees you attract into your garden the more fruit you'll get on your tomato plants and fruit trees. Yes it's that simple.
Attract the bees and they will repay you with more fruit.

Dorothy Blinan came to visit.
She was looking so beautifully dressed in mauve, with her matching mauve mask, with the mauve roof in the background.
I just said "stand there, I'm going to take your photo".

"Oh Tim, I hope your not going to put me on that Facebook contraption."
No way, no body reads it anyway, I replied.

Dorothy's been coming here for years but I've only just learnt her name.
"I'm Dorothy, not Dot or Dotty, but I am a bit Dotty sometimes."

"Vic's next door, so I thought I'd pop in here and get more potting mix, but Vic did a stocktake in the shed before we left, and I've already got 5 bags, so he said no more potting mix Dorothy."

"We nearly lost him last year, he had a cyst the size of an Orange, he was in hospital for 6 weeks."

How old is Vic?
"He's 87, I'm 82."

Wow he did alright catching you.
"Tim, that was the thing back then, you married an older man. Now where's these collector plants? Have you got them all in the one place?"

No we've got them all over the place, Hayden hold up one of those Monkey Tail Cactus. He holds one up.

"Well I'm just waiting to get the energy to repot everything, it's hard when you get to my age, how are your boys anyway?"

Dorothy made my day.
She has great hair too!!

It's a grey world out there, that's why we need more colour in our lives. Colour makes us feel good, it makes us happy.

That's why we need to surround ourselves with flowering plants. We've got some amazing new plants, and if you plant these in pots and gardens, the colours will really pop.

We've brought these superior, colourful plants, all the way from South Australia.

They look spectacular.
They are all covered in buds and flowers now, so when you plant them, you'll get instant satisfaction.

Walk down the centre isle of our nursery to see our amazing selection. We have colour coordinated them, to make colour selection easier for you. We are making life easier for you.

Don't forget, we are giving away free seeds, so you can grow, your own Illawarra Flame tree, like this famous one, in Kiama.

Simply soak your seeds in water overnight, then plant them in Tim's Best Potting Mix.
They should sprout within 4 weeks.
Once they have 2 leaves pot them up into seperate pots. You can grow them on in a sunny spot until they are big enough to plant in the ground.

It's time to spray Bindii, Clover and other broadleaf weeds. We've got the solutions.
You need to spray before Bindii sets seeds, or you'll be doing The Bindii Ballet all summer long. So will your pets.

Best to spray when there's no rain forecast for 24 hours. Spray twice, in 7-10 days for best results. Clover may need more sprays.
Come see us.

It's still too early to plant spring vegetables like Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Eggplant and Chilli plants. You can plant seeds now but wait another 2 weeks before planting seedlings. Prepare your veggie gardens now with Tim's Cow Manure.

Happy gardening