I’m moving to Denmark? - Jul 22, 2022

Grow your own Potatoes and save.

Dear gardening friends

That's it, I'm moving to Denmark.
You don't buy a block of land over there. You buy a circle.

Then you grow a big hedge around your circle, so you can sun bake nude for the 10 days of Summer.

I'm buying the black house with the white windows. It's got potential.
It's the worst house in the best street.

It has room for trees.
I'll have to plant them so they shade the house in summer.

But I don't want shade on my vegetable garden. I'm going to grow Potatoes.
Prices have gone up 30% over night.
Yes I'm a Potato farmer now.
When you eat chips.
Think of me.
In Denmark.
Sun baking.

If you want to copy me, and become a Potato farmer, now is the best time to plant them. Potatoes are ridiculously easy to grow. You can even grow them in a big pot using Tim's Best Potting Mix.

If you're growing them in the ground prepare your soil first. Did Tim's Cow Manure into the soil. One bag per 3m2.
Fertilise with Tim's FAST FOOD then mulch with Sugarcane.

Come and select your Seed Potatoes.
We have the best baking varieties.

Cut them in half. Plant each piece 30cms apart just below ground. As they grow mound soil around stems. This gives you even more Potatoes. Harvest when leaves go yellow in late spring early summer.
They taste amazing.

How beautiful is this Camellia flowering outside Brookfield Tea House, in Hill Street Camden?

There are three beautiful Camellia japonicas flowering in front of these historic houses, and they are covered in blooms.

Camellia japonica don't like the morning sun. The morning sun catches the dew on the buds, and a fungus causes the flower buds to go brown, and they don't open. But they are happy with sun, once the dew has dried.

These Camellias don't get the morning sun, so the are covered in healthy flowers and buds. They are the perfect plants for these old houses.

Look how fabulous this one looks. I even like how they pick up the spent flowers and use them as mulch.

This Tea house is a new venture for Camden. A mother and two daughters were leaving as I walked up the hill. What was it like, I enquired?
"Fabulous" was their response.
They sang it to me.

More people are arriving.
They are all beautifully dressed.
It's like they have come from Melbourne to eat cakes.
It must be good.

It's time to plant Camellias.
We've got heaps.
No cakes sadly.
Zoom zoom.

It's time to plant Daphne!!!!!!!
These old world highly perfumed shrubs are becoming harder and harder to find.
They grow best in a large pot on the eastern side of your house. Yes they love the morning sun. They are not Camellias.

If your growing it in a pot use our Tim's Best Potting Mix. They absolutely love it.
Daphne can also be grown in gardens, but they need good drainage, so mound up your garden with a bag of Tim's Best.

We have beautiful plants covered in buds that will flower in the next few weeks.
You will love the amazing fragrance.
It will waft through your windows and smell delicious.

We have fabulous plants from $26.99.
That's a bargain for a Daphne.
They would make great gifts.
Come see us.

Our potted Rose Bushes are coming into bloom. We buy our bare rooted Roses from an Italian Family in South Australia. They have been growing roses for 30 years.

When they arrive we pot them up into 200mm pots using The Best Potting Mix. It contains a slow release fertiliser that lasts for 9 months.

The Roses start to grow straight away. They grow into beautiful bushy plants, and they get covered in buds.

I've knocked this one out of the pot.
You can see that it's growing beautiful healthy roots. Just plant them like they are a normal shrub. Don't add Rose food. It burns roots.

Our Roses will be covered in flowers in the next few weeks. The plants are huge. You'll be sniffing highly perfumed flowers before spring.

When you go to the chain stores you'll see Roses in those tiny bags.
The plants will still be asleep.
They won't be flowering for months.

We have nearly 2,000 to choose from.
All your favourite colours, plus new releases.

Ask us for help.
We know which varieties have the best fragrance. Perfume is so important.

Yes it's raining.
We are sick of it too.
But we will have the most amazing spring ever when the sun comes out.
We will be so green, it will look like Ireland.

Get your lawn mower serviced now.
Get ready for spring.
It's only weeks away.
Happy gardening