Gardening is addictive - Nov 05, 2021

Just ask Eddie.

Dear gardening friends

You know Eddie is one of my favourite customers. He visits us all the time, on his motor scooter.

But when I arrived at work this week, I found him, trying to tie this big pot, onto the back of his scooter, with string!!!!

I started laughing, Eddie started laughing too.

"No mate, I'm going to deliver that pot for you for free."

"Are you really?
Will I get it before Christmas?"
That made me laugh too.

Eddie never feels sorry for himself.
He can walk short distances, but this Scooter gives him freedom. He and his wife, have turned into mad gardeners, since they retired.

You'll see him around Campbelltown.
He's usually wearing Parramatta Colours. He's even got The Parra mask.

Gardening is addictive, just ask Eddie.

We are the Bougainvillea capital of Australia. We've just got a huge delivery from our grower up north.

We've got the dwarf Bambino varieties, that are perfect for pots. They grow more like shrubs, than climbers, and they flower non stop during the warmer months.

We've got the "Li'l Beauty" Range too. These are mild climbers, so they can be grown in your garden without the risk of them taking over. These can be grown in big pots too. Simply prune to size.

We've also got the wild growing varieties.
These might try and strangle you, on the way home. Best kept in the boot, until you can safely release it into the wild.

They can be grown on fences, to create a security fence, that no one will try and climb over, due to the large thorns. You might come home, to find your robber, still attached to the fence, begging for help.

We have at least 10 colours.
70 plants to choose from.
Plants cost $21.99.

Bougainvilleas don't like having their roots disturbed, so gently get them out of the pot. Don't tease the roots, like other plants.
Water well after planting.
They like a sunny spot for best flowering.

Our NSW Christmas Bush have arrived.
They are covered in white flowers now and these will soon be replaced by the red Christmas bells.

This native shrub can be pruned to any height. Some people cut the flowers at Christmas time, to give away as gifts.
Home grown gifts are even more special.

Plant your NSW Christmas Bush on a mound of Native potting mix improved soil.
They like good drainage. So if you dig a hole in clay, and plant them, they probably won't survive.

They can be grown in large pots, but make sure you use Native Potting Mix.
Normal potting mix will kill these plants.
Native Potting Mix is hard to find, just at the moment. We hope to get more stock soon.

Just in case you didn't know.
The landscape and Nursery industry has had phenomenal increases in sales, due to Covid. Suppliers have run out of raw materials, and have been unable to make potting mixes.

That's why we don't have Tims Best Potting Mix in stock right now. We've had to find a replacement mix of suitable quality.
We wouldn't sell you crap.

It's the same mix we used to pot up our roses Bushes during winter.
We've had the best roses ever!!!

The new mix is in a 25 litre bag, and we have been able to keep it at $10.00 a bag.
We use it every day here in the nursery to repot indoor and outdoor plants.

We will have Tim's Best Potting Mix back soon. We know you love it.
We love it too!

Pots and Bird Baths have been in short supply recently too. It's all related to people, all over the world, turning to gardening, to relieve stress, during Covid.
The world is going to be a greener place.

We've got a couple of Bird baths in our nursery, and we are amazed how many different types of birds, visit us for a drink or swim, every day. Birds love clean fresh water.

We've just unloaded our Christmas supply of bird baths. It seems gardeners want to give their feathered friends a place to swim in summer.

They like to give them away as Christmas Gifts too. We have some beautiful colours.
Glazed Bird baths are $129.99.
Terracotta Bird baths are $59.99.
They come with a screw on top.
This makes it easier to tip out, the old water.
The fresher the water, the more birds will visit. It's that simple.

Lots of Christmas Ceramic pots and dangly things, have arrived this week.
More indoor plants too.
We are worth a visit.
Happy gardening