Grow your own bush tucker!!!!! - Jul 30, 2021

What Potato makes the best chips?

Dear gardening friends
We are living in strange times.
Some of us are coping better than others.
We need routine in our lives to stay sane.

The good news is, Spring is fast approaching, and you've got plenty of time, so if you prepare your gardens now you'll have more success. Just being outside in the fresh air will make you feel better.

It's time to get your vegetable garden ready for spring planting. Remove unwanted winter vegetables and turn your soil over.
I use a mattock because I've found as I've got older that this works best for me.

Break up the soil, and remove any Curl grubs. Curl Grubs are white with a coppery head. They eat the roots of your plants, so put them in the bin, or feed to chooks.

Apply Tim's Cow Manure over the top of your soil. One bag treats about 3m2.
Tim's Cow Manure is real Cow Manure.

You'll notice that Bunnings is selling Composted Cow Manure. This is 25% Cow Manure and 75% Recycled Green Waste.
You have to buy 4 bags of this inferior product to get one bag of Cow Manure.

We aren't trying to sell you cheap products, we are selling you the best products for your garden.

Dig Tim's Cow Manure into your soil, then sprinkle Tim's FAST FOOD Fertiliser over the top. Cover this with Sugar Cane, water, then leave to rest for a couple of weeks.

Tim's FAST FOOD has all the trace elements that plants need for healthy growth.
It's great for flower gardens and potted plants too. It costs $16.99.
It's an amazing product.
Your plants will love it.

Grow your own Bush Tucker!!!!
Riberry Fruit are one of the most delicious native fruits.

Just one tree, will provide you with kilos of home grown fruit every year. The fruit can be eaten fresh, or used to make Jam. They have a Cranberry flavour with a hint of cloves.

This rainforest tree can be grown in the ground or in a pot. It can be pruned to any size. If you're growing it in a pot use our Tim's Best Potting mix. (Just $10.00 a bag).

We've bought these Riberry plants from a Rainforest nursery in Byron Bay. The tree grows well here too. There are adult trees growing around Campbelltown Stadium.

Plants cost just $6.99.
We only have 70.

It's time to plant Potatoes and you'll be amazed how easy they are to grow.
We have seed potatoes here at the nursery now, and we have the best varieties.

If you want to grow potatoes, so you can use them to make chips, then the best varieties are Ruby Lou, Red Lady, Dutch Cream and Sebago.

A bag of Seed Potatoes cost $12.99 and you get at least 10 potatoes. Cut them in half and you'll get even more potato plants.

Plant these 30cms apart in your prepared vegetable garden. As the plants grow push more soil around the stems. Harvest the potatoes when the leaves turn yellow in late summer. Leave the soil on them.
It helps them stay moist and last longer.

Potatoes can be grown in big pots.
Use our Tim's Best Potting Mix and you'll get spectacular results.

We had an empty new bench here in the nursery so I asked Hayden to plant up some of our new Terracotta pots with flowers.

He potted them up with Johnny Jump up Violas and mauve Pansies.

I can see these from the lunchroom.
They made me smile straight away.

Flowers make you smile, especially during difficult times. If you've got an empty pot, plant some flowers. We are open today and every day for gardening essentials. Our flowers are waiting patiently, to make you smile.

We had an empty new bench here in the nursery so I asked Hayden to plant up some of our new Terracotta pots with flowers.

He potted them up with Johnny Jump up Violas and mauve Pansies.

I can see these from the lunchroom.
They made me smile straight away.

Flowers make you smile, especially during difficult times. If you've got an empty pot, plant some flowers. We are open today for gardening essentials. Our flowers are waiting patiently to make you smile.

Just arrived.
The most indestructible indoor plant!!!!!!!!
"Green Supreme" will even grow in our staff lunchroom. It will grow in your house too.

This compact, lush green plant, can turn brown thumbs, into green thumbs. If you've given up on growing indoor plants, come out of retirement, and try one of these.

We have some beauties here right now for $18.99. Buy a matching ceramic pot and we will repot it for you using Tim's Best Potting Mix for free.

If you've got indoor plants in your house you'll have cleaner air, and better mental health.

Yes this plant is poisonous to cats.
#greensupreme #caliphruriasubedentata

I was sitting having a coffee in the bus shelter beside Mawson Park this week.
My regular cafe is closed, so I've had to find a new supply.

There's no banter.
We are all struggling right now.

I looked across the road and saw these Jacaranda trees. I planted those trees 30 plus years ago. I got paid to plant them.

A lovely old guy built this office block. He was ahead of his time. The mirror finish picks up the reflection of the trees in Mawson Park, if you get the right light.

These trees were super advanced.
I had no idea when I was quoting the job, that the soil would be so hard.

The mattock bounced off the soil with my first swing. I knew then that it was going to be a long day.

The tree choice wasn't mine.
We planted London Plane trees along the front. They lasted about 5 years before the shop owners complained about the falling leaves.

They were a bad choice.
They give of a dust that causes irritation too.

The Jacarandas have survived.
They flower every November.

At least 20 people told Jason and I that we were wasting our time planting trees.
"They will only get pulled out" they all said.
We kept digging.

Two trees have survived out of the 8 we planted. You have to be an optimist to plant trees.

Yesterday an 80 plus year old guy came in to pick up his Brachychiton "Jerilderie Red". He'd heard Graham Ross talking about them on 2GB.

When you heard this old guy talk you just knew he was an optimist.
He hasn't given up yet.

During Lockdown is a great time to garden because you've got the time to look after them. Being outside will make you feel good.

We are open everyday for your essential
Gardening supplies.
Come and see us.
Bring your mask.
Sign in.

Happy gardening