Yes we are open for your gardening essentials - Jul 22, 2021

Home grown Blueberries taste better.

Dear gardening friends

We've had lots of phone calls this week asking "are you open?".
The Government has deemed us an essential service, for the gardening community, so we are here to help you.

Gardening is great for your mental health, so if you're getting sick of being home, doing nothing, you'll feel much better if you get out in the garden.

If you'd like to grow your own fresh home grown Blueberries, now is the time to plant them. We have a variety here called "Sunshine Blue" that's covered in flowers right now, so it will be fruiting in late spring.

Blueberries grow better in pots, than they do in the ground, and this suits gardeners, because you can take your Blueberry plant with you, when you move house.

We've discovered that Blueberries grow spectacularly in our Tim's Best Potting Mix.
We've potted up display plants, here at the nursery, using it, and the plants have grown huge. They are 1500mms high and they produce up to 5kgs of fruit every year.

But you'll need a big pot.
It must hold at least two bags of Tim's Best Potting Mix. It's only $10.00 a bag during Covid restrictions. Our Blueberry Sunshine plants are $19.99. They look amazing.

If you've already got a Blueberry plant, then now is the time to mulch around the base with Tim's Cow Manure. Tim's Cow Manure is real Cow manure not a recycled green waste mix like the others.

It feeds your plants and helps make the soil more acid too. Blueberries love acid soil.
You'll get more Blueberries and bigger fruit.
Don't use more than 10mms.

It will also recondition the potting mix and make it hold more water. You'll be amazed what a difference it makes to your plants health.

If you've got Roses, now is the best time to mulch around them with Tim's Cow Manure. Prune Roses back by 75% to an outward facing bud. It's easy, you can't go wrong.

Looking for a vine to cover your ugly fence? Very hard to beat this winter flowering climbing plant, called Orange Trumpet Vine.
The flowers look like Trumpets!!!!!

This very vigorous vine can cover large fences. Simply prune it, to keep under control.

It flowers right through winter.
We have plants in the nursery.
Ring the store if you want one put aside 46267022.
Big plants are $28.99.

If you think it's too cold to go outside to garden, then do your gardening inside.
Indoor plants bring love into your house and make it look like a home.

Check your indoor plants for dust!
Dust builds up on the leaves and stops them from growing.

Wipe your plants leaves with a damp cloth or take them outside and hose it off. Bring your plants back inside ASAP. Don't leave them outside overnight or in the sun.

Your plants will be able to breath again. Don't use oil sprays on the leaves. These products attract even more dust and make your plants sick.

We have a huge selection of indoor plants here in our nursery and the biggest selection of beautiful ceramic pots all chosen by Hayden. You'll love them too.

Buy a smaller plant and pot, and we will repot it for you for free, using Tim's Best Potting Mix.

Wow, this Lemon Scented Gum, in Mawson Park, was looking like art this week.
It could be the morning sunshine, highlighting the beautiful smooth white bark.

If this tree could talk, it would have some stories. I bet it's been hugged and loved many times. It's probably been danced with too.

I gave it a man hug, thinking nobody would be around to see. It has the most beautiful smooth bark and the tree feels so masculine and fit. Yes I had a moment.

But this park always has someone in it. I got caught. I'm sure they were smiling, I was smiling too.

Eucalyptus citriodora has had a name change recently. They call it Corymbia citriodora now. If you don't get these name changes right some people get hot under the collar. It spoils their day.

They need to walk through Mawson Park. It looked stunning this week.
I had it almost to myself.

There are around 5 of these planted in the park. They are my favourite gum tree.

After rain, you can smell the amazing citrus perfume wafting through the park. It's fills your senses. It makes me think of the Bush.

That's funny because these trees are found naturally in Queensland, and as far south as Coffs Harbour in NSW. They can grow up to 50 metres high.

We've lost a few recently in the park, because the chip fed Cockatoos, have been damaging the bark, with their sharp beaks. They sit in the one spot and remove the bark, which allows the water into the timber. The damaged branch becomes dangerous in time. So please don't feed the birds.

The Lorikeets feed them selves with the nectar filled white flowers that are appearing now. The squark was deafening. It's those sounds of nature and the smell that makes us have better mental health.

This park is saving lives everyday.
It's an oasis in a city.
Go hug my tree.
It will make you feel good.

Lots of jobs to do in the garden.
Prune Roses and deciduous fruit trees.
Spray lawns to control Clover and Bindii.
We recommend Richgro Bindi and Clover killer. We sell it here.

Bring your mask.
Sign in.
You'll be safe.

Happy gardening