Attract Butterflies into your garden! - Nov 06, 2020

Turn your trees into umbrellas ?

Dear Gardening friends

We've never seen a spring like this.
We've got perfect growing conditions right now, so make the most of this beautiful rain, and get gardening this weekend.

We still have beautiful Hydrangeas and they are bursting into bloom right now.
These are so cheap you can even use them as flowers inside your house for a week before planting them in your garden.

We have all your favourite colours including Red, White Blue and bi colours.
Grow them in your garden where they get morning sun and then shade.
They will reward you with flowers every year from now till almost Christmas.

These lush green shrubs are easy to grow when you plant them in the right aspect.
They like lots of water to get them started that's why now is the perfect time to plant them.

Impatiens are amazing looking shade loving plants that flower for 9 months of the year.
They grow well in pots, hanging baskets and gardens. They come in an amazing selection of colours.
We have them in small pots 4 for $14.00.

We also have double flowering impatiens that look more like a rose.
These are hard to find and they have become collector plants.
We only have 24 plants in the nursery.
These double flowering beauties are $16.99 each they look amazing.
Come see.

Want to attract Butterflies into your garden?
Plant one of these.
"BUZZ Butterfly bush" will have them landing at your place.

This super fast growing Buddeja has the most beautiful flowers, throughout the warmer months.

They come in several colours.
Easily pruned to a metre.
They are drought hardy and tough.
Best grown in the sun.
They flower for up to 9 months.
We have Raspberry and white flowering varieties. Blue coming next week.
Zoom zoom.

Have you seen this amazing Weeping Elm tree, outside Enzos Restaurant in Camden?
It's a natural umbrella, in this secret courtyard.

It's only just getting it's leaves back now, just in time for summer.

You could create this effect with other trees, in your garden too.

Simply under prune the tree, removing all the lower branches, to expose the trunk.

If you're paving around the base, leave heaps of room, so the tree can catch water.
This will help prevent the roots from lifting the pavers over time.

If trees get water they are less likely to send roots out looking for it.

Even tiny courtyard sized gardens can fit a smaller growing tree.

Imagine this in your garden?
Choose a deciduous tree, so the sun can shine in during winter.

Crepe Myrtles would be perfect for this. They flower for 100 days in summer too.
We have The Diamonds In The Dark Crepe Myrtles here at the nursery today.
They are great value at just $29.99 and they are super fast growing.

Wander around your garden.
Enjoy your beautiful green lawn and lush green shrubs.

It's a great time to be out in your garden.
Let's celebrate these fantastic growing conditions.

Come see us this weekend.
Happy gardening