Spring herbs are easy to grow - Sep 09, 2010

I had a lady in recently who wanted to grow some fresh herbs this spring. The popularity of Master Chef and peoples desire to eat fresh has seen an increase in the sale of herbs. The customer was going to grow her herbs on the balcony in tiny 10cm pots.

This was going to be a disaster because the plants would simply dry out on the first hot day in summer and go to god.

I am not a fan of herb pots either, because when the herbs grow they prevent the water getting into the soil.

The best way to grow herbs is to group them together in a large pot that holds at least one bag of Tim's quality potting mix. Quality potting mix costs at least $12.50 a bag.

Choose a pot that is at least 450mm wide. Terracotta pots are much better than plastic pots because they absorb moisture and insulate the plants roots from the heat. A pot this size will allow you to grow 4 herb plants. Grow the herbs you use the most.

I like to grow parsley, basil, oregano and chives. I make a lot of spaghetti sauces for the boys and I can sneak these herbs in without complaint if I chop them up fine. Herbs make the sauce taste better and the goodness helps keep your children healthy.

Put your pot in a sunny position close to the kitchen. If you can see the herbs you’re more likely to use them.

Water it twice a week using 10 litres of water.

We potted up a sample herb pot about 3 weeks ago and it is looking fantastic. Come and check it out if you need inspiration.

Spring is the best time to start a herb garden so visit us soon.

Best wishes
