Last minute Christmas gifts - Dec 20, 2019

Easy Christmas gifts, plenty of parking.

Dear gardening friends
Have you been to Macarthur Square?
It takes 20 minutes to find a parking spot.
At Tim's Garden Centre you can have all your Christmas Shopping done in 20 minutes, and you can park right out the front of our store. It's easy.

This week we have beautiful dwarf Crepe Myrtles called "Enduring Summer Red".
This new variety only grows 1.5 metres high. It gets covered in these bright red, Christmassy flowers, throughout summer.

These hardy plants, laugh at these dry conditions. Crepe Myrtles are some of the toughest plants on the planet.
They thrive in Macarthur's terrible soils and hot dry climate.

This new variety called "Enduring Summer Red" will look amazing in your garden.
It can be grown in large pots.
We have beautiful plants from $17.99.
We have advanced plants, covered in buds and flowers, for $29.99.
These would make the perfect floral Christmas present, and we gift wrap for free.

These amazing terracotta Lama and Alpaca Planters have just arrived. Pot them up with succulents or indoor plants like we have.
Or choose a plant, and get us to pot it up for you using Tim's Best Potting Mix. Planters cost $18.99.

An exciting new Giraffe planter has just arrived. This costs $24.99.
We love this planter, and it holds more Potting Mix, so your plants will grow even better. Limited supply.
Come see us tomorrow.

Plant Collectors will be excited about our new range of Hoyas. These climbing plants thrive inside in bright light and they get spectacular waxy flowers. Grow them in pots or hanging baskets. They are super hardy and easy to grow. We have an amazing selection, from a specialist grower in Victoria. They are only $14.99, so they always sell out fast.

My friend James came in this week to wish me Merry Christmas. He wasn't wearing the Christmas Tree hat this time, he was more somber.

But he shook my hand and wished me Merry Christmas, like he meant it.
We sat down and had a coffee, and I asked him how he was coping, looking after his garden, in this heat.

I know James has a backyard full of plants growing in pots, that are all beautifully arranged. James was a Visual Merchandiser for David Jones in his working days.

He is watering his plants using a watering can. It takes him 1 1/2 hours every day. James has health issues so this is a huge job for him.

We spoke about the drought.
I know James is religious, I know he loves cruises.

Do you pray for more cruises James?
"No, I pray that when we go on a cruise, we will be safe".
We spoke about the NZ tragedy.

Have you prayed for rain?
"No I haven't, God doesn't always give you what you want. He has to want it too."

We are doing it tough here at the moment mate, I told James.
"I will pray for rain, for you Tim, I went to Bible School for 2 years, so I'm almost a Minister"
James prayed out aloud for me.
He asked God to please bring rain to help all the gardeners and farmers.
He finished drinking his coffee.
He wished me a Merry Christmas again. I asked him if he was coming back to see me next week?
Yes he replied.
You better bring a raincoat mate.
He smiled.
James is beautiful.

To all our beautiful gardening friends, who support us all year round.
I hope you have an amazing Christmas.
I hope we do get rain for Christmas.
What a wonderful gift that would be to all our farmers and fire fighters.

We will be closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day. We love spending time with our families too.
Merry Christmas
Happy gardening

Thank you so much for your support this year. It hasn't been easy.