Have you got a watering can? - Dec 13, 2019
Plant survival tips and tricks.
Dear gardening friends
Just in case you've been on the moon?
Level 2 Restrictions are now in place.
The biggest changes are:
You can only use a watering can or bucket to water your garden, before 10 am and after 4 pm.
You can use drip irrigation or smart watering systems for a maximum of 15 mins a day, per watering zone, before 10 am and after 4 pm.
What you will discover is, that trees and shrubs, growing in the ground, don't need as much water as you think, to survive.
You will also discover that plants growing in gardens, that have mulch on them, need even less water. Any type of mulch, is better than, no mulch.
If you don't have mulch on your gardens, around 80% of the water you apply, simply evaporates, so you really are, wasting water.
If you've got plants growing in pots, group them together. This will make it easier to water them, but the plants will help shade each other, so they need less water, for survival.
When you're watering plants, make the water run down the trunk, to the roots. This is the most efficient way, to get the water where it's needed. Don't worry about wetting the leaves.
If you don't have a watering can, come and see us. There is a shortage of watering cans in NSW. Our supplier is already bringing them from South Australia.
The price has gone up.
It's not our fault.
We do have 10litre watering cans today.
These are better, because a normal watering can only holds 9 litres.
But we've only got a few, so they might be sold out this weekend.
We have beautiful ceramic face pots for Christmas for just $15.99.
We have baby indoor plants that fit inside these, to make the perfect Christmas gift.
If you haven't been to our nursery for ages, you will get a big surprise when you see how many pots and indoor plants we have. With plants dying in the garden, we need some greenery in our lives to keep us healthy.
Indoor plants have been proven to help prevent mental health problems.
It gives us something green to love!!!!!
If you buy an indoor plant and a small ceramic pot, we will repot your plant for free using Tim's Best Potting Mix.
This is a great offer and it ensures your plants have the best chance of survival.
We have a free gift wrapping service too.
You can park right out the front of our shop.
It's easy.
We still have $50.00 Tim's Garden Centre Christmas Gift Cards for $40.00.
Buy one for yourself.
When it gets this dry, the birds need our love too. They are struggling to find clean water in the suburbs.
We have beautiful glazed bird baths.
Put your birdbath close to a shrub so it gives the birds protection, and the shade helps to keep the water cooler.
We have birds that visit us every day, to swim and drink from our bird bathes.
These make great Christmas gifts.
While i was writing this story a bird turned up for a swim.
We have Terracotta Bird Baths from $59.99. Don Gregory thinks this is the best bird bath he's ever had. At least 50 birds turn up every day to drink and swim in his.
We have glazed Bird Baths for $110.00.
They look beautiful and they seem to hold the water longer. Come see.
I'm having a love affair with this tree at the moment. Brachychiton "Jerilderie Red" is thriving in my garden despite the drought.
It's covered in fresh new green growth and these amazing red Christmas bell like flowers.
Jerilderie Red is a cross between Brachychiton Populneus (Kurrajong tree) and Brachychiton acerifolius (Illawarra Flame Tree).
The foliage can be pruned off, in dry conditions, and be used to feed sheep and cattle.
Brachychiton Jerilderie Red grows about 10ms high by 6ms wide in 140 years.
How do I know that?
There's one growing in Jerilderie Primary School, that got planted by Maggie MacDonald, 140 years ago.
The by chance seedling cross, probably popped up his her parents garden.
We are growing Maggie's Tree.
So can you.
My tree is only 3 years old and it's already 4 metres high by 2metres wide. It looks fantastic. Grafted trees cost $49.99.
Lachlan grafted these for us.
Flowering Lace Cap Hydrangeas have been reduced by 25%. They are amazing value.
They make beautiful floral gifts that can be brought inside for Christmas.
Happy gardening