We’re taking $5.00 off Roses bushes today - Nov 01, 2019

Do you love Jacarandas?

Dear gardening friends
Jacaranda trees are bursting into bloom just in time for Mauvember.
We are hoping to make Macarthur look like Johannesburg in 10 years time.
They have used them as street trees throughout the city, so when they come into bloom, it's become a tourist attraction.

We are selling Jacaranda trees for just $5.00. They make great street trees, or plant one in your local park or school.
Macarthur needs more shade. Jacarandas grow so well here, it just makes sense to plant more.

My son Dan, started collecting seedlings that just popped up in gardens, when he was a child. Eventually we had almost 200 potted trees in the backyard.

We decided to sell them for just $5.00 and we were amazed by the response.

Now we have discovered, they are much better plants, when they are grown from seed. These trees have straighter trunks, and they grow so much faster, because we grow them in Tim's Best Potting Mix.
They have never had to struggle.

We have around 400 plants this season.
In a few years time we hope Macarthur starts to turn mauve, just like Johannesburg.
But we need your help.

The Macarthur Rose was looking so sensational in our garden this week, I've taken a photo of it, to share with you.
You can buy one of our roses bushes for just $25.00 this weekend.
We've taken $5.00 off the marked price on every Rose Bush in the nursery.
They are covered in perfumed flowers right now. Come and choose the most fragrant variety.

If you want more perfume in your garden why don't you plant Chinese Star Jasmine?
This fast growing glossy green climbing plant, has highly perfumed white flowers in spring.

This climber will thrive in full sun, or part shade, and it's super easy to grow.
It can even be grown as a ground cover.
I've got it in my garden and it covers 20m2.

Plant one up against your ugly fence and it will cover up your fence with lovely green foliage all year round. I love the highly perfumed white flowers in spring.
We've got plants in flower for just $16.99.

An amazing selection of Angels Trumpet Trees arrived this week. Botanically known as Brugmansia, these trees, have highly perfumed, huge Trumpet like flowers in the warmer months.

If you've got a Frangipani in your garden, then it will be warm enough to grow a Brugmansia in your garden too.
But just remember, these trees are in the Solanaceae family, so the foliage and flowers are poisonous.

Tomato plants are in this family too so wash your hands after handling them.
We have at least 5 colours of Brugmansia in the nursery this weekend.

If you're looking for a flowering gift this weekend, check out our potted Fuchsias.
We've repotted our Fuchsias into bigger pots using Tim's Best Potting Mix, and we have been blown away by the results.
The plants have doubled in size and they are covered in ballerina like flowers.
Plants cost just $26.99.
They are spectacular.
We can gift wrap them for you.
Come see our named varieties.
They grow well in pots or hanging baskets in a morning sun position.

Make sure you are watering your tomato plants every day now. If Tomatoes don't get watered enough they can get a disease called Blossom End Rot. The fruit get a black bottom and they rot. It's caused by a calcium deficiency that's brought on by lack of water.

Also check your Tomato plants and Rose Bushes for Two Spotted Mites.
These tiny insects sit under the leaves and suck the nutrients out of the leaves.
The new growth grows twisted and distorted and goes yellow green.
Spray under the leaves with Pestoil to control this nasty insect, that thrives during hot dry weather.

We are getting people asking us about Cut Christmas Trees already. Yes we will have them from the first weekend in December.
The trees are nice and bushy but smaller this year due to the drought.
I'll keep you posted re price.

You still have time to plant Christmas Colour in your garden. Plant Petunias in pots and hanging baskets in sunny spots and watch your garden transform so quickly. They are so cheap to buy, and they are already covered in flowers.
Come see.

Happy gardening