Roses for noses, is our specialty. - Oct 18, 2019
Get flowers for 6 months or more!!!!!!
Dear gardening friends
I’m loving spring so much now we’ve had that beautiful rain. The new growth on the trees growing around my house just look amazing. How can you not grow trees in your garden? They just make you feel so much calmer and relaxed.
I noticed Cicada shells on the trunks of my Manchurian Pear Trees. Then I spotted a freshly hatched Green Grocer on my path. What an amazing looking creature.
The wings look like the leaves of a tree with the veins. I caught thousands of these as a kid, but I don’t think I ever really looked at one, this closely, and admired it’s beauty.
You might remember I planted a Jacaranda tree, in Argyle street Camden, a few weeks ago, in an empty planter box that had just been crying out for a tree. It’s growing beautifully now.
I didn’t just dig a hole in the clay and hope it would grow. I dug 2 bags of Cow Manure into the clay first then filled up the planter with Garden Mix and IGC Planting Compost.
Then I dug another 2 bags of Cow Manure through that. No wonder the tree is thriving.
But I also under planted the Jacaranda with Salvias. These drought hardy, heat and cold tolerant shrubs flower for 6-9 months.
If they ever look untidy, simply cut them back by 50% and they will sprout new fresh growth, and more flowers within weeks.
Now you can enjoy these hardy shrubs in your garden too. We have just received a huge supply of the best varieties from a nursery in Victoria. We have almost every colour. Simply plant these in your garden in the sunniest spots and watch them take off.
Now just be warned, there are annual Salvias around too, so don’t buy these by mistake. Talk to our Horticulturists for the best varieties. We want you to have success.
We teach or kids lots of things, but have you taught your kids how to garden?
I called into Camden’s Community Garden last Saturday, on my way to the markets.
Steve Cooper was working in the gardens with his son Jai, who is in the photo, and his father Ernie, who is out from England.
I was instantly attracted to Jai’s vegetable garden.
It’s quirky. Jai is 14 years old.
He’s a keen gardener. He’s had his own plot here for 5 or 6 years. Last year he won Yates Gardener of the year completion.
Jai and his father won a trip to Melbourne, to see The International Flower and Garden Show, which they both loved.
Jai’s garden is a stand out. He has planted flowers and vegetables, and arranged them beautifully so it just works. He told me he would like to be a Landscape Gardener when he leaves school, and it’s obvious that he’s got the talent to combine flowers, foliage and materials.
He has incorporated kids toys into his landscape too.
While I’m talking to him, he bends down to pick up weeds and old leaves. He wants his garden to be neat and tidy.
He tells me the judges are coming on Tuesday, for the Camden Garden Competition.
Jai tells me he has won awards a couple of times.
He is comfortable talking to adults,
he’s confident.
Maybe he gets some of that confidence from having a great garden. He grows Lettuce, Beetroot, Leeks, Onions, Rainbow Chard, Sugar snap peas, Celery, Asparagus, Broad Beans, Kiwi Berries and Finger Limes in his patch.
I’ve noticed he has been eating Sugar snap peas while I’ve been talking to him.
He plays sport too. He does little athletics and swimming squad. He’s fit and healthy.
I ask him where his fathers garden is? “It’s the one over there, with all the weeds” was his response. His father laughs. You can tell there’s competition here.
I look past Jai’s garden and see a beautifully dressed African lady harvesting bags of greens from her garden. I’m drawn towards her. I can see a photo opportunity. She sees me coming, and she starts moving fast. “I know what you’re up too” she says, “ I know who you are, I don’t want to be in your story”.
I can’t catch her, she’s African.
We have so many beautiful potted rose bushes, covered in flowers now.
We specialise in the most perfumed varieties. We know that you love fragrant roses too.
This beauty called Fairytale Magic, burst into bloom this week. It’s very English looking and it has the most amazing fragrance.
This compact growing floribunda rose bush is perfect for today’s smaller gardens.
It only grows about one metre high.
The foliage is green and healthy.
It’s a winner.
Come see.
Don’t forget you’ll get 5% off our roses bushes when you show us your Tim’s Garden Club Card. If you’ve lost the card just give us your name and we can still find you in our system.
I just couldn’t resist this photo.
Mervyn Barber turned up during the week and he soon got sick of following his wife around.
So he sat down in our vintage Fler Lounge, and started talking to anyone that would listen. Bob sat quietly beside him just taking it all in.
Merv even started talking to me, and that’s how we first met. He’s going fishing on the weekend with the Raby Tavern Fishing Club.
What are you going to catch?
“I’ve had a good look here and I’ll come back on Monday, after I’ve been fishing”.
His wife comes up to me and whispers that they normally go to Bunnings, but the last few times they’ve been, the plants have looked terrible. “I don’t know why they don’t water them” she tells me, still whispering.
She doesn’t know I’m Tim.
Merv knows, but he’s still talking about fishing.
Bob’s shown an interest.
Merv tells me he was a brick layer all his working life. It doesn’t get harder than that. If I was Merv, I’d be sitting down every chance I got.
I had a customer ask me if it’s too late to plant Tomatoes?
Of course not.
We’ve still got all summer ahead of us so you can still plants tomatoes and all your other summer vegetables too.
I’m growing Cucumbers again this year.
They are so easy to grow.
I always plant Lebanese Cucumbers.
They are a fast growing ground cover.
Each plant will cover at least a square metre. They will be ready by Christmas.
I’ve planted Egg Plant this year too.
These are just so beautiful to look at.
The huge purple fruit taste amazing.
So easy to grow.
It’s a great time to garden.
Come and see us for the best plants.
We want you to have success.
Happy gardening