Can Woolies help save the world? - Oct 07, 2019
Do you love your cat?
I was walking up Queen Street yesterday when it suddenly hit me.
“Woolies can save the world.”
These Discovery Gardens, have been so successful getting kids to grow herbs and vegetables.
Just imagine if Woolies brought out a range of fast growing trees that could be grown from seed?
The kids could grow them, then they could plant them, in parks, schools and reserves around Australia. They could plant them in their own gardens too.
The power of people can’t be underestimated. The kids would own the trees, so they would make sure they got watered.
We could green up some of the treeless parks in Macarthur and around Australia.
What do you think?
Have you got a cat?
Cats love eating this herb so much, it’s now called “Cat Grass”.
It’s full of nutrients that cats don’t get from cat food. They love eating the new shoots.
Cat grass is a natural aid for hairball removal.
We have lovely fresh plants for just $5.25.
Grow them outside and then bring them inside for a cat treat.
If you buy 2 plants you can swap them over.
While one is inside getting eaten, the other plant is outside growing and recovering.
We have beautiful plants here at the nursery today. They are so lush and healthy.
Your cat will love you.
Indoor dogs, love eating it too.
Check out our huge herb selection in the seedling area. Herbs are great for your families health. We are cats too.
Pot your herbs up into bigger pots using Tim’s Best Potting Mix and you will have success. Grow them in the sun.
Water daily.
Cosmic White is a hedging plant that’s almost death proof. It survives drought, frost and our horrible clay soils.
I spotted this Cosmic White hedge growing in Englorie Park Campbelltown.
“Cosmic White” is a Rhaphiolepsis that can grow up to 3 metres high.
It has lush glossy green leaves and these beautiful white flowers in spring.
It spot flowers throughout the year too.
To grow it as a hedge, simply plant them about 800mms apart. Trim the top and sides to your requirements.
This shrub is so tough even brown thumbs can get it to grow.
The same plant breeder has developed a smaller growing variety called “Snow Maiden”.
This variety only grows one metre high and is fast replacing Buxus as the go to hedge for that formal look.
We have both varieties in the nursery this weekend. Plants are available from just $16.99. Talk to Hayden or Lachie.
Come check them out.
Osteospermum sounds like something you make babies with.
I liked them so much more, when they were called African Daisies, but these were so prolific, they popped up everywhere in your garden, and became weeds.
Plant breeders bred new varieties, that stay more compact, and don’t self seed.
They changed their name to Osteospermums.
These new varieties are brilliant plants.
They only grow 45cms high by 45cms wide and they flower for 6 months.
They can be grown in pots or gardens and they flower in spring and autumn.
Simply prune back by 25% after the flower flush and feed with Tim’s FAST FOOD.
Watch them come back to life!!!!!!
New varieties are getting released all the time. This beauty called 3D Purple has these double flowers that don’t close up at night.
They can actually be picked,and put in vases. Normal Osteosperums close up at night, and go to bed. Don’t bother inviting them to your party.
Check out these out in the nursery.
Ask for African Daisies.
It’s so much easier to remember.
Our nursery is looking spectacular this week. Come for a walk.
Sniff our new season rosebushes that are bursting into bloom.
Buy some Pestoil to control Aphids in your garden.
Bring a friend
Happy gardening