Spring Potting Mix Sale on now! - Aug 30, 2019
Tim’s Best Potting Mix only $10.00.
Dear gardening friends
It was so exciting, hearing rain fall on my tin roof, last night. I only got 12mms at my place, but my parents got 30mms at Castle Hill. I hope you got some rain too.
There is something magical about rain.
You can water your garden every day and not much happens, but it only has to rain once, and your plants respond like they have been fertilised!
Spring starts this weekend, so it’s time to get out in your garden. To get you motivated, we have dropped the price on our Tim’s Best Potting Mix to just $10.00 a bag. The sale lasts for 10 days only.
It starts Saturday.
Tim’s Best Potting Mix usually sells for $14.50, so at just $10.00, it’s a bargain.
We want you to try our Potting Mix, so you can experience its magic too.
There are so many Potting mixes on the market that will never grow healthy plants.
Gardeners buy these mixes, and when their plants fail, they blame themselves.
The poor quality Potting mixes never get the blame. That’s why the suppliers have got away with this, for so long.
When you plant Tomatoes in Tim’s Best Potting Mix, your plants will grow bigger tomatoes, with more flavour.
The plants will be bigger and greener, so you will get more tomatoes than ever before.
If you are only going to grow one tomato plant this year, make sure you choose Tim’s Fruit Fly Resistant Tomato. This heirloom variety has a natural resistance to fruit fly.
You don’t have to use any nasty chemicals.
The fruit are apricot sized and so sweet to eat. The plant will be covered in fruit.
Plant one tomato plant per pot.
Use stakes to make a tee pee.
Tie them together at the top.
Water your Tim’s Fruit Fly Tomato every day. Save the water from your bath.
Don’t prune your tomato plants.
They get more fruit if you let them grow wild. Tie up the branches with old stockings. If you don’t have stockings we have stretchy stuff here.
As your plants grow, you can feed them with Tim’s FAST FOOD. This has everything that Tomatoes need. Just a sprinkle will last for 3 months. Use it on your other plants too.
Pick your Tomatoes as they turn red at Christmas time. The taste is amazing.
They taste so sweeeeeeeeet!
We have all your favourite varieties here at the nursery. Talk to Lisa if you need help.
Plant Tim’s Italian Tomato too.
This heirloom variety has huge pear shaped fruit that taste delicious.
They are soft when ripe.
It’s my favourite.
You have to pick these when they turn yellow, and ripen them inside, to avoid fruit fly.
Monstera Adamsonii is back!!!!
Yes it’s a Plant Collectors Alert.
This super hardy indoor plant has these unusual leaves.
It’s almost like a creative caterpillar has turned this plant into living art!
This fast growing climbing plant thrives indoors, in bright light.
Grow it in a basket, or let it spill down your kitchen cupboard. Use our Tim’s Best Potting Mix and watch your plant take off.
Plants cost $19.99.
That’s almost half price!
Zoom zoom.
These always sell out fast.
Buy a small ceramic pot, and we will repot it for you for free, using Tim’s Best Potting Mix.
I left a note in a letterbox this week.
It said “Could I please take a cutting off your large leaf fig?”
Tom Reeves rang me later to say,
“that would be fine”.
It turns out I know Tom.
He was the Property Manager at Broughton Anglican College for 25 years. He often bought plants off us for the school.
Tom says he planted at least 800 trees.
They didn’t all come from us.
When I drove up Lithgow Street this week I spotted this amazing large leaf plant. It’s a Ficus dammaropsis, and it’s native to Papua New Guinea.
It turns out Tom worked in New Guinea, for 12 years with the Australian Government.
He was trained as a Botanist and Agriculturalist at Hawkesbury Agricultural College and he did Rural Science at Armidale.
He grew up in Campbelltown, and went to school at Hurlstone Agricultural College.
In New Guinea he lived in the highlands for 12 years, and he helped Subsistence Farmers to grow Coffee, Pyrethrum and Potatoes.
He can “Tok Pisin”.
That’s Talk Pidgin English.
He says the natives were great people.
Tom helped set up a small Botanic Garden which mainly had Orchids and Rhododendrons.
“They have over 100 species of Vireya” he told me.
He fell in love with Ficus dammaropsis while he was there. It’s sub tropical, because it grows in the mountains.
It gets burnt on those hot days here in OZ and the frost can burn the new growth too, but it doesn’t kill it. I’m going to grow it as an indoor plant.
When he returned to Australia he worked at Sydney’s Botanic Gardens for a year. He got a cutting of the Ficus, from a friend who lived in Mt Druitt.
Tom goes to church in Mt Druitt.
He says there are a lot of Islanders there, he feels at home with Islanders.
His house overlooks Hurley Park.
He knows all the names of the trees growing there. Hoop Pine, Bunya bunya Pines and Canary Island Pines.
Tom thinks they were planted in around 1880.
He says Ferguson’s Nursery, used to be just around the corner. They sold plants all around Australia. They had another nursery in Camden.
Tom Reeves is an interesting guy.
He’s retired now, he’s 72.
His mind was super sharp.
I like him.
I have propagated the Ficus.
I’ve dipped them in Cutting Powder.
I’m growing them in River Sand.
Can’t wait to see them grow.
It’s Fathers Day this weekend.
We have $50.00 Fathers Day Gift Cards for $40.00. Buy one for yourself too.
Our nursery is looking amazing for spring.
Our plants are better
Come see.
Happy gardening