Time the buy Cow Manure? - Aug 02, 2019

Spring is on the way!!!!!!

Dear gardening friends

The weather has been magnificent this week and we’ve noticed our regulars are coming back. Some are asking for tomatoes and basil but we are still telling them to wait at least a couple more weeks before planting. We only have to get one frost and your newly planted summer vegetables will drop dead.

Spend your time Improving your soil instead. Dig Tim’s Cow Manure into your flower and vegetable gardens. This organic fertiliser, breaks down clay soils, and feeds your plants gently. But please make the drive to our nursery to get it.

Tim’s Cow Manure is real Cow Manure.
The chains and big green shed are selling a product called “Composted Cow Manure”.
This is 75% Recycled Green Waste and 25% Cow Manure. It has less than 1% nitrogen.
It’s an inferior product. The suppliers are adding the Green waste to stop the Cow Manure from smelling and Green waste Is much cheaper than Cow Manure.
It’s a con.

You would have to buy 4 bags of this crap to get one bag of Tim’s Cow Manure.
Do the sums, it’s a rip off.

Spread Tim’s Cow Manure over your garden. Dig this into your soil with a mattock or shovel. I find a mattock is so much better for my back, and it’s faster.
Remove any Curl Grubs as you dig.

If you’ve been adding Cow Manure for several seasons then you will need to add Garden Lime to sweeten the soil. This is important. Cow Manure and Compost lowers the PH over time and this stops your plants from growing.

Spread one handful of Garden Lime per m2.
Dig this in, then rake your soil level.
Now sprinkle Tim’s FAST FOOD Fertiliser over your soil. This complete fertiliser has all the trace elements that plants need for flowering and growth. It’s what we use.

Now cover your soil with Sugar Cane and water well. Leave this to rest for a couple of weeks before planting. Water daily to cool the soil.

You can use this technique on potted gardens too. The more Compost you add to your soil the happier your plants will be.
Compost holds the water. The sugar cane insulates the soil from the sun. More water equals more growth.
Gardening is simple.

Hayden and I went to a Nursery Conference, at The Kirribilli Club in North Sydney during the week.

It was like being back at school.
We only half listen, we catch snippets of information. There’s a lot of blah blah.
Hayden has broken the yawning record.

We chose not to listen to one speaker.
We crossed the road and walked through Wendy Whiteley’s Secret Garden, which is opposite her house in Lavender Bay.

Wendy made this garden on land that didn’t belong to her after her famous husband, Bret Whiteley, passed away.
She did it Guerrilla Style.
Now she employs 3 gardeners to help maintain it.

Corrado Camuglia wasn’t leaning against Wendy’s gate today. He was spreading mulch on one of the terraces.
We said hello, we didn’t get in a conversation today, he looked busy.
We continued along the path.
There are hand railings made from tree branches. There is nothing fancy here, the garden doesn’t look neat and tidy or planned. This garden could belong to us. It’s real.

The mulched paths lead to secret spots with tables and seating where locals and tourists stop for lunch.

We sat for a while and just listened to the garden.

We recharged our batteries and made our way back to the conference.
Hayden stopped yawning.
We had a nice time.
The who’s who of gardening, were there.

I’m so happy to see one of my guerrilla tree planting doing so well.
I only planted these Lemon Scented Gum trees, in Queen Street, last winter.
The biggest one is 4 metres high now.
When these trees flower they will attract hundreds of nectar feeding birds into the city.

When it rains, pedestrians will smell the lovely citrus fragrance, given off by the foliage.

The trees will help reduce the scale of these enormous ugly buildings.

Remember that tree I put up on Facebook recently in Mawson Park that was full of squawking Lorikeets?
These trees are it’s children.

I noticed tiny seedlings popping up in the mulch under that tree.
They were 2cms high and on the edge of life.

It had been raining, and I gently lifted them out of the soil, using my secateurs.
I put them in a plastic bag, to stop them drying out.

I took them to work, and potted them on, using native Potting Mix.
They have thrived.

I’ve planted 3 more in a car park at a local shopping centre. I’m still watering those weekly to get them started.

These trees don’t need my care anymore. They will double in size in the next 3 months.
I find that exciting.
There’s is no better feeling than planting a tree. I’m hoping this story might inspire you to plant a tree in your local park or school.
We need more trees in Macarthur.
It’s a hot barren place.
We can’t wait for councils.
They have fallen asleep.

This week is your last chance to get 25% off potted rose bushes. Our sale is coming to an end. We have 2,500 plants.
They have never looked better.
Come see.

Happy gardening