Jane's rose is worth growing - Jun 15, 2010
This time last year we were inundated with people wanting to buy the Jane Mcgrath rose. Unfortunately growers had underestimated how many people would be willing to support the Mcgrath Foundation by purchasing a rose.
This year more roses have been produced and $1.00 from the sale of each rose will be donated to the Mcgrath Foundation.
The Jane Mcgrath rose was bred in Australia by Ron and Barbara Inverarity. Trials have proven it to be hardy in even drought conditions and it is one of only a few roses that are truly resistant to black spot.
This is great news for even non gardeners because they can grow this rose without having to spray dangerous chemicals.
Jane Mcgrath is a floribunda rose so it stays nice and compact and it is smothered in clusters of flowers for at least 9 months of the year. It grows 1m high by 1m wide.
The soft pink blooms are old English in style so it will remind you of a David Austin rose. They have a slight perfume and they are perfect for picking.
Roses grow best in gardens that get at least 5 hours of sun a day and they hate root competition from nearby trees.
Improve your soil by digging in cow manure and mulch the surface with sugar cane for best results. Don’t fertilise your rose for at least 6 weeks or it could drop dead.
Best wishes