Caterpillars love broccoli too! - May 15, 2010
Caterpillars love eating broccoli too!
Scientists have discovered if you eat broccoli you will live longer. The problem with growing Broccoli is that caterpillars love eating it too. These caterpillars are the larvae of the white cabbage moth.
Until now you would have had to spray your broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower with dangerous chemicals to control the caterpillars.
Chemical companies like Yates have realized that people are starting to wise up about dangerous chemicals so they are now bringing safer people friendly products onto the market. Yates Success contains Spinosad, which is derived from naturally occurring beneficial soil bacteria. Spinosad moves into the leaf making the active resistant to rain and sunlight once the spray has dried. When caterpillars come in contact with the leaves they die. The product is not poisonous to humans. Yates Success was winner of the 1999 Presidential Green Chemistry Award for its favourable environmental, human and health profile.
Success controls a wide range of caterpillars plus pear and cherry slug. Your local garden centre now has a range of earth friendly products to control insects in your garden. The CNP horticulturists are kept up to date with all the latest products as part of there life learning commitment.
Tim Pickles is a CNP horticulturist and director of Tim’s Garden Centre 2 Queen St Campbelltown 46267022.