Have you got Aphids on your roses? - Aug 31, 2018
Tim’s the Tomato man!!!!!
Dear Gardening Friends
Spring starts tomorrow so you might find yourself out in your garden. You will notice that your lawn looks terrible and your shrubs have been burnt, or killed by the frost.
Plants can be replaced and your lawn can be brought back to life. Start by treating your lawn and garden with Wettasoil.
This Agricultural detergent makes dry soil accept water. It comes in an easy to apply hose on bottle that treats 150m2. We use this product all the time in our nursery and it really does work.
Once you’ve treated your lawn and garden with Wettasoil it will be safe to fertilise.
Use our “Tim’s Rapid Results” on your lawn.
This turbo charged fast acting lawn fertiliser can turn your grass green fast.
It contains a Wetting Agent, so it gets down to the roots fast. Water your lawn twice weekly to get the best results from this Lawn Food. Use a sprinkler rather than a hand held hose. Move it every 30 minutes.
You will be amazing how quickly your brown lawn comes back to life.
Tim’s Rapid Results Lawn Food costs $24.99 or buy 2 for $45.00 and save.
It has a non burning formula so it’s safe to use on Buffalo Lawns. The small 4kg bag will feed 260m2. That’s huge.
If you’ve got weeds in your lawn, spray them a couple of weeks after you fertilise. Weeds are almost impossible to kill if they are not actively growing. The stomata closes during dry weather so the weeds don’t absorb the chemical. The Lawn Food, and extra water, will make your weeds thrive. Spray with Richgro Bindi and Weedkiller for best results. We stock this product. It works.
If you want to fertilise your pot plants and flower and vegetable gardens use our “Tim’s Fast Food”. This German made Fertiliser is the best on the market.
It has all the trace elements that your plants need. It starts working straight away and it feeds your plants for 3 months!!!!
You can use it on your Citrus trees, Roses, Camellias, Blueberries, Azaleas, Flowers and Vegetables. It’s great on your indoor plants too. It’s exclusive to Tim’s Garden Centre.
I had a customer contact me during the week who had an indoor plant that looked very unhappy. It had been in the same pot for 18 months. When you buy any plant, it has to be repotted into a bigger pot straight away. If you don’t repot, the plants health, goes backwards. Insects and diseases attack plants that are run down and sad.
There are many Potting mixes on the market that plants simply won’t grow in. Woolies sell two brands that are absolute shockers!!!!!! These same mixes are sold in different bags in other chain stores too.
Avoid them if you want your plants to grow.
We continually test our Tim’s Best Potting Mix to make sure our supplier doesn’t cheat. If they take out the Fertiliser, they save money, but your plants don’t grow.
Come see our latest test trial.
There are so many kind people in our community. Kees Poll saw our cry for help on Facebook last week, when Pig’s Black VW bug got nicked. Kees spotted this little beauty on a chuck out, and thought pig might like it.
He gave it a service and fixed a few things.
He didn’t want pig’s wheels falling off.
Pig’s not used to having a steering wheel.
He turned corners before by leaning to one side, and keeping his eyes closed, most of the time. He noticed a lot of people drove this way
We’ve had a huge response to Pigs car theft. A big thanks to Kees for thinking about Pig.
Our potted Rose Bushes have never looked so healthy. We potted them using our Tim’s Best Potting Mix and the plants have responded with fresh new coppery coloured new growth. This new growth attracts Aphids.
Check your roses for these Sap Sucking Insects. Aphids can be green, black or brown. They cause the leaves and buds to grow twisted and distorted. Luckily they are easy to control using a non poisonous spray called Pestoil.
This earth friendly oil dehydrates the aphids. It controls Two Spotted Mites too.
Spray your roses this weekend. Spray your Citrus trees with Pestoil to prevent Citrus Leaf Miner damage. You can spray your indoor plants with it to control Mealy Bug. You need “Pestoil” in the smelly cupboard. You can buy it ready to use, or save money and mix it yourself. We’ve got it.
It’s time to plant Petunias, and my favourite variety is the Oasis Spreading Petunias.
These ground cover Petunias can grow one metre wide. I grow them every year in my big terracotta pots. I use Tim’s Best Potting Mix and I plant just one seedling per pot.
Check out the photo above. These Petunias are amazing. They come in pink, red, blue, white and purple. The purple is my favourite. We have them in the seedling area.
It’s time to plant tomatoes. Our Tim’s Fruit Fly Resistant Tomato is the easiest variety to grow. Plant it in big pots or in your garden. It gets apricot sized tomatoes that are as sweet as honey. You can let them ripen on the vine.
We have at least 30 varieties of tomatoes here at Tim’s. We are the Tomato specialists. We have all the heirloom varieties that are grown for taste.
Plant them now and enjoy sweet tasting tomatoes all summer long!
Come and see us if you need help in your garden. Our nursery is looking fantastic.
Come for a walk. Bring your dog if you like.
Happy gardening