Have you got a fairy in your garden - Jul 27, 2018

Last chance to save 20%.

Dear gardening friends
If you love roses this is your last chance to save 20% off all potted rose bushes at Tim’s Garden Centre.

Winter is almost over and our rose bushes are starting to grow, so the price has to go up. But if you buy them this weekend then you will still save 20%.

One of the most exciting roses, for a long time, is this spectacular flowering, miniature rose called “Dwarf Fairy”.
It only grows 40cms high.
That’s up to your knees!!!!
It’s perfect for small gardens, or you can even grow it in a big pot.

“Dwarf Fairy” has large clusters of these pretty orange red flowers for 9 months of the year!!! It’s a disease resistant variety and it has won numerous awards around the world. It won a Silver Medal at our National Rose Trial Gardens in South Australia.

If you are growing it in a pot, use our Tim’s Best Potting Mix. You will need a pot that holds at least one or two bags. Never use Rose Food on potted Rose bushes or you will kill them. Use our Tim’s Fast Food every 3 months for great results.
It’s the Fertiliser we use.

Wow. I’m loving these new retro style pot stands. Simply sit your indoor plant in the pot. No drips on your floor.
They are great value from just $26.99.
You get the pot and stand.
Indoor plants are back in fashion, big time, just in case you’ve been in hibernation.
They don’t just look good they remove dangerous toxins from the air and make your house safer.

Hello Campbelltown Council.
This is how you can get trees to grow in Queen Street. Forget about growing trees in pots. They are high maintenance and they simply don’t grow.

Take out a few parking spots, like Camden Council has, in Argyle street and construct real garden beds, with drainage, and fill with good soil.

Take the trees out of the pots and let them grow free. When it rains the soil gets recharged with water and the plants respond with fresh new growth.

We would only have to lose 4 parking spots in Queen St and the place would look so much better.

Camden is already famous for its Jacaranda trees, now they are adding to this leafy feel with Queensland Box Trees. These are native of course. They wouldn’t be my choice for Queen Street, but four big trees would make a huge difference to the street scape. What do you think?

It’s National Plant A Tree Day on Sunday.
Campbelltown Council are looking for helpers to plant trees in Thomas Acres Reserve in Cleopatra Drive in Ambarvale.
8am to 12 noon.

If you live near Appin.
They are tree planting near Appin Park.
Market Street Appin from 9-12 noon.
Planting trees is great fun for kids.
They can watch their trees grow!

Pig’s been rockin the flanny this week.
I don’t remember winter being this cold.
We have had some of the biggest frosts on record. You will have plants in your garden that have been burnt by the frost.

Leave the brown damaged leaves on your plants until spring arrives. Those leaves help protect your plant from further damage.

When spring arrives prune back your plants and feed with Tim’s Fast Food. Most will recover. Don’t panic.

Come and talk to us if you need help in the garden.
Happy gardening