The most Fragrant Rose in Australia. - Jul 28, 2017

New Roses have arrived!

Dear gardening friends
We had an amazing response to our Strawberry plant offer last week so we sold out within a couple of hours. We didn't realise there were so many Strawberry lovers in Macarthur. Karyn has ordered another 100 packets and we are hoping they arrive today. If you missed out on the Strawberry plants, give us a call on 46267022 before you come down.
You get 6 plants for $7.95.

New Release Roses have finally arrived from our grower in Victoria. One of the most sort after roses is a new variety called "Dark Desire". The buds are almost black maturing into Violet purple. This Rose has been bred for perfume. It has a sophisticated sensual fragrance with exceptional disease resistance. It was an award winning rose at the National Rose Trials in Adelaide in 2016. Now you can grow this Rose in your garden too.

"Dark Desire" was bred by Kordes Rose Nursery in Germany and it's in their Parfuma Series. This roses have been bred for disease resistance and exception perfume.

Last year we had a new Release Rose called "Perfume Passion". It's been promoted at the Most Fragrant Rose in Australia.
Last year we waited patiently while the roses came into leaf and then they started to bud and our noses got all excited about sniffing the perfume. Unfortunately we sold out of Perfume Passion before those buds ever got to open!!!!!

This year we have bought more hoping our noses won't be disappointed.
"Perfume Passion" was the Gold Medal Winner at The National Rose Trials. The long stemmed roses are almost thornless.
The bright pink flowers can be picked and brought inside to fill your house with fragrance. The plant has exception disease resistance.

We really have some amazing new releases this year so if you love roses come and see our selection. Garden Club Members get 5% off and if you're a Senior Citizen you get 10% off. These plants will be covered in Fragrant blooms on Melbourne Cup Day.

Steve Cooper came into the nursery last Sunday with his son Jai. Steve got Camden's famous Town Farm Community Garden started in Exeter St Camden. He still spends at lot of time in the gardens pruning hedges and helping to keep the gardens looking amazing.

This week he helped install a Chicken Coup, so now if you take your kids to the Community Gardens they can see where eggs come. Steve's son Jai, has a veggie patch in the garden. His garden has a selection of his favourite toys incorporated in with his vegetable planting. It's one of my favourite gardens. It's great to see a father teaching his children how to grow vegetables. It gets Jai out in the fresh air while his mates are stuck inside playing computer games.

Steve called in to pick up 4 bags of Tim's Best Potting Mix. I donate him the Potting mix for free every year. Steve pots up veggie seedlings for Carrington Retirement Village Spring Fair. Steve is always helping someone.

After a freezing start to the week, Pig thought it must have been snowing on Mt Annan. But then it warmed up yesterday and he thought it must be Spring. Don't be fooled into buying Tomato seedlings from the chainstores. These crooks are happy to sell you plants in winter, that will drop dead within days if you plant them in your garden.

Once upon a time nurseries were owned by people who loved gardening. They grew a few plants at home, then their hobby became a business. They started up a nursery, then they employed people who loved gardening, and they sent them to TAFE, so they could become qualified Horticulturists.

Today most of those nurseries have disappeared. The chainstores don't send anyone to TAFE. Once there were 1200 students doing Horticulture in Sydney now there are 300. No wonder chainstores are selling spring seedlings in winter.

Peaches and Nectarines are about to burst into leaf so you need to spray the stems with Lime Sulphur to prevent them getting a disease called Leaf Curl. We have Lime Sulphur and 5 litre Sprayers. Come see.
Spray your roses too.

You can plant Tomato seeds now. I'll be planting Arthur's Big Greek Tomato seeds next week. If you want to grow your tomatoes from seed, come and see our huge selection. Bring the seedlings inside at night until the last frost has past.

If you need help in the garden come and see us. This is not our job, it's our passion.
Happy gardening