New season fruit trees arrive!!!! - Jun 23, 2017
Nothing's sweeter than home grown.
Dear Gardening friends
It might be winter, and it might be cold, but now is the best time to plant fruit trees in your garden. This week, we have been busy potting, hundreds of new season fruit trees.
These trees come from Monbulk in Victoria. They are grown in the ground, then they are dug up and transported around Australia.
We pot them into 300mm pots using Tim's Best Potting Mix to give them the best start in life.
We have chosen dwarf growing varieties because modern homes have smaller gardens. These trees have real sized fruit but the trees stay more compact so they can also be grown in big pots. If you are a home owner, plant them in the ground, and you will get more fruit.
Apple trees are easy to grow, and home grown apples are so sweet and crunchy.
We have a new dwarf green apple called "Leprechaun". This one's for the wee folk.
Match it up with another dwarf growing variety called "Pinkabelle", and you will have green and red apples throughout summer.
The kids can take home grown apples to school.
If you love pears, grow a Trixzie Pear. I have one in my garden, and it's the perfect Christmas tree shape. It has beautiful white spring blossom followed by the sweetest green pears in summer.
It's such a beautiful looking plant it's worth growing just as a feature. It also has beautiful autumn foliage. These trees are hardy even in clay soil and you only need one because it's self pollinating.
Ask our Horticulturists for help, because some fruit trees need cross pollination or they won't produce fruit. We have tried to choose varieties that are self pollinating.
Cherry Stella will produce sweet tasting cherries in summer all on its own, and we've got a variety that is non suckering!!!!
I wish this was available when I planted mine, because my tree pops up everywhere.
We have dwarf Santa Rosa Plums. This variety is self pollinating and it only grows about 2-3 metres high.
When I was a kid we use to climb from our back yard into Kenny Anderson's plum tree from a branch that grew over the fence. The tree was so big, it could happily take 10 kids from around the suburb. Everyone knew when Kenny's tree was fruiting.
These new dwarf varieties won't upset the neighbours. How times have changed.
We have a new selection of dwarf growing Magnolias. Traditional varieties grow up to 6 metres, but we've got some new beauties, that only grow up to 3 metres. They are spectacular small growing trees for your garden. They lose their leaves in winter, to let the sun shine in, to warm your house.
Look for these exciting new dwarf Magnolias called Cameo, Cleopatra and Genie. They are big plants and they cost just $69.99 less your Tim's Garden Club Discount. No one in your street will have one of these.
We have heaps of other spring blossom trees including flowering Peaches, Plums and Cherries. We also have the best ever supply of super advanced Crepe Myrtles.
Plant these trees now, and they will take off in spring. Don't forget the IGC Planting Compost to give them drainage and nutrients.
We are still waiting on more roses coming from Victoria. We have David Austin's famous perfumed roses coming plus new varieties from Kordes nursery in Germany.
These disease resistant roses have great perfume too!
We are taking 25% off new season roses so come and see us this weekend.
Poor pig has been hiding under the milk crate since the blues got beaten on Wednesday night. He's a bad loser!
Come and see us if you need help in the garden. Happy gardening.