Get less weeds and a smaller bum! - Sep 30, 2016
Dear Gardening Friends,
I did a delivery to one of Macarthur's up market estates yesterday and I was surprised to see the decline in the lawns and gardens. This suburb was once famous for its immaculate couch lawns, but now most were full of weeds. Some gardeners have stopped fertilising their lawns and they are mowing them less often so the weeds have time to seed and they have taken over the lawn.
Grasses are shallow rooting, so they grow better in moist fertile soils. Weeds have tap roots so they grow better in dry infertile soils. So if you don't fertilise or water your lawn then it's only a matter of time before your lawn becomes a weed infested mess.
If you want a thick lush lawn then you really do need to fertilise it now with our Tim's Rapid Results Lawn food. It's only $23.99 a bag so there is no excuse. If you have a massive lawn buy 2 bags for $40.00. If you mow your lawn weekly you will also have less weeds and you will have a smaller bum too!
Gardenia leaves are turning yellow in gardens and pots all over Sydney. As the plants sprout fresh new spring growth a magnesium deficiency causes the older leaves to turn yellow. In the past you would buy Epsom salts to fix this problem but now it's much easier just to fertilise your Gardenias with Tim's Fast Food. This modern fertiliser has all the added trace elements needed to keep your Gardenia leaves green.
Fast Food can also be used to fertilise potted Citrus trees, Blueberries, Indoor plants, vegetables, flowers and roses too. Simply sprinkle the fertiliser around the drip line then water well. You will notice the leaves turning green within days. The shaker pack is very handy. Tim's Fast Food costs $16.99 less your garden club discount. Fertiliser helps your plants stay healthy and it allows them to fight off pests and diseases.
Our Weeping Maples have come into leaf this week and we are loving the fresh new spring growth that adds so much colour to our shade house. Maples are cool climate plants so they grow better in morning sun positions in our district.
I have a beautiful Weeping Maple growing in a large pot at my place and I can see it through my bedroom window. I have had mine for around 10 years so it would be worth over $1,000 but we have small grafted plants in the nursery from $65.00. They can be grown in your garden too. The foliage weeps down almost to the ground. They come in red or green leaf varieties and most colour up beautifully in Autumn. We have over 50 to choose from.
Fairy Gardens are all the rage in Europe at the moment. These mini gardens are usually made in pots so they can be moved around. The gardens contain miniature garden furniture, Bbq's, letterboxes and swings etc etc.
Simon has been making Fairy Gardens for his daughter Lily and now we have one of the biggest ranges of miniature garden furniture in Australia. It is so cheap and so much fun to move around. Use your imagination to create your own Fairy Garden. We have miniature mulches too. Succulents are the easiest plants to create your dream garden. This would be a great school holiday project for the kids. Talk to Simon if you need inspiration.
Pig has made a bold prediction about this weekends AFL grand final. He has put his milk crate on it so poor pig could be a "homeless pig" this time next week.
You still have time to plant herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, lettuce, capsicum, chilli's, beans and carrots. Kids love growing veggies so get them involved.
Come and see us if you need help in the garden. We are open all long weekend 8.30 to 5pm
Happy Gardening