New Wattle is a Winner - Apr 15, 2009
Last year when I visited the ABC gardening show at homebush I noticed a display of a new release plant called “ Fettuccini “.
It was a small shrub that had very unusual lime green foliage that looked like fettuccini. I am happy to announce that this fantastic native plant is now available at your local garden centre.
Botanically known as Acacia “ Fettuccini “ this cute little plant grows just one metre high. It has a weeping habit and the leaves blow in the wind so it almost looks like an alien.
It will produce yellow wattle flowers eventually but this plant is really grown for its spectacular foliage.
It looks great growing in a large pot on any sunny verandah. For best results purchase a potting mix that is specifically designed for native plants. Feed every spring and autumn with ”Osmocote for Natives” or blood and bone.
Acacia Fettuccini looks fantastic in gardens too. If you have room plant them as a border. Improve the soil by digging in planting compost and water from the base to prevent fungus diseases.
Plants can be lightly trimmed in the warmer months to help maintain a neat , bushy habit.
Tim Pickles is a CNP horticulturist and director of Tim’s Garden Centre 2 Queen St Campbelltown.46267022.