Pig on Stress leave? - Sep 18, 2014
Dear Gardening Friends,
A beautiful spring day today guys, just makes you want to go outside and plant something. I have been really enjoying watching the various plants in my home garden begin to flower.
This week the Clivia’s have burst into bloom. I have the broad leaf Belgium Variety that has the bright orange flowers.
They grow best in shade or a morning sun position. Clivea’s can be dug up and divided so you get free plants every year.
A friend of mine, who is a non gardener, has a huge Clivea growing in a bright blue pot at the entrance to his house and it looks sensational.
The tree in the background of my garden with the pink flowers is a Forest Pansy Tree. This small growing umbrella shaped tree has beautiful, large purple leaves during the warmer months. It’s hard to find in nurseries these days but we do have a few if you’re interested. We have nice Belgian Cliveas from $17.99.
Simon has been having a terrible time in his garden with Cockatoos. A gang has been turning up everyday to eat his lawn. His once perfect lush green lawn now has a big brown patch in the middle.He complains his lawn looks like somebody has tipped several catcher loads of grass clippings all over it.
We have all been having a bit of fun with Simon about how nice it is to have nature in his garden but we have discovered that Simon actually loves his lawn more than nature!
Well last week Simon decided to treat his lawn with a product called D-TER. We thought the only way this product would work was if you actually hit the bird with the product still in the box!
To all our surprise D-TER has worked and the birds have now moved on to eat somebody else’s lawn. Simon is now smiling again. If the birds have moved to your place then you might need to use D-TER too. You mix it up in hot water then let it cool and spray this over 50 square metres of grass.Just repeat the spray once in a while if they return.
If you love birds, then just ignore this story. If you love a rant, talk to Simon.
Check out the photos below for the damage and the solution
It’s time to plant herbs so if you want to add more flavour to your cooking then perhaps you need to plant some. Herbs are actually weeds from other countries that you can eat, so if you plant them in pots using Tim’s Best Potting Mix you should have success.
The gardening shows have been planting herbs in those window box style plastic pots for years so everybody thinks that herbs grow best in these plastic coffins. Herbs don’t grow well at all in these tiny pots that hold almost no potting mix and dry out within minutes! Yes this is a rant. Move over Simon.
Those terracotta herb pots are even worse because as the herbs or strawberries grow they block up the holes so no water can get in the pot.
If you are going to grow herbs choose a wide pot that holds at least one big bag of potting mix. Put the pot in full sun. If the pot has a saucer then your herbs will grow even better. About 4 herbs will grow in a pot this size.
Herbs like Mint, Oregano and Rosemary grow best on there own. If you need help with herb selection come and talk to Lisa. She has been buying, growing and loving herbs for almost 20 years at Tim’s.
We would have the biggest herb selection in Sydney. A Romanian lady got all excited on the weekend because we had Lovage. If you want to grow your herbs organically use the Organic Certified potting mix called Organix. We have trialed this potting mix and its great. We’ve got it. $10.99 or 2 for $20.
Blueberry Burst has arrived. Sorry to all our customers who have been turning up every week wanting to buy this fantastic potted plant.
We have had great success growing Blueberries in big pots using our Tim’s Best Potting mix. You can see our plant in the photo top right.
The pot needs to hold at least 2 bags of Tim’s Best. We have had great success with Terracotta pots. These pots absorb the water and this helps keep the roots cool. Yes they require more water but most plants grow better when they have cool roots.
I can’t tell you how many people have told me Terracotta Pots are no good because they absorb water! This really is turning into a rant session. I must be getting old. Retirement village not far away now.
If you are visiting a friend this week you might take them a bunch of flowers. We have some potted Linaria Fairy Bouquet here that is much better value than a bunch of flowers.
This spectacular looking perennial plant can be used inside for a week then you can plant it in your garden. That bunch of flowers will be going in the bin while your Linaria is just getting started!
We only have a few in stock now for $18.99. Don’t forget to show your Tim’s Garden Club Card to get your discount.
Pig has been having a rest this week while a sheep dog friend of his has been looking after the milkcrate.
Pig has been on stress leave after he got left out until 7.30pm. Apparently pig is feeling much better now after staying at home and spending some time in the garden.
Hope you’re spending some time in the garden too.
Happy Gardening