Time to plant Tim's Giant Tomato! - Sep 04, 2014
Dear Gardening Friends,
Some great news, we have all of our new season tomato seedlings available now. Tim’s Giant Tomato arrived today. I grew this variety in my garden last year and the fruit were the size of small pumpkins!
I saved the seeds and now our seedling grower is growing it especially for us. If you want to impress your friends with huge tomatoes then you must grow at least one of these. It is an heirloom variety so it tastes delicious. You will notice when you cut the fruit open that it has less seeds than other varieties.
This is what gives it the great taste. For best results prepare your soil before planting. Dig in Tim’s Cow Manure with a dressing of Fast Food and garden lime. Cover this with Sugar Cane and water well.
If you don’t own a vegetable garden then grow it in a big pot. We have had great success using Tims Best Potting Mix. We also have an organic mix here called “Organix”. This is certified organic so it contains no chemicals.
We have trialed this mix and plants thrive in it. Just a warning, there are a lot of potting mixes out there that use the word “organic” on the packaging. People think if it’s organic then plants must grow in it. We have trialed many of these mixes and nothing grows in them.
Does our Rapid Results Lawn food work?
Kylie Harris sent us a photo of her lawn 12 days after she had fertilised it with Rapid Results. Is this the greenest lawn in Australia?
Fertilise you lawn now and watch it turn bright green fast.
I want you to ask yourself “When was the last time I fertilised my garden”? Some of you probably haven’t fertilised your plants for 5 years or more.
Because of the beautiful rain this spring your plants are going to thrive so they will need to be fertilised. It is so confusing to know which fertiliser to use on all your different plants. Finally we have an organic based fertiliser that is safe to use on all your plants. It’s called “Rapid Raiser”.
So easy to use, simply place a handful of the pellets around the drip line of all your outdoor plants. For fruit trees and roses add a bit more. It comes in a 20 kg bag and it has hardly any smell. It will feed your plants for the next 3 months. It costs just $20.99 so it’s great value.
Fertilise your entire garden now and watch your plants thrive this spring! Fertilise your outdoor potted plants too. I have been using Rapid Raiser on my garden with great success.
Spring blossom trees have burst into flower. I love the Flowering Plum trees. The double pink flowering one called Prunus Blireana is the best. You will see this everywhere. Such an easy to grow small tree and
I love the purple/bronze coloured foliage too. If you have a small garden then this is a perfect sized tree for you. Remove the lower branches as it grows so you can sit underneath it. This will help keep the grass underneath happy too.
Manchurian Pear trees are flowering now too. These are the white spring blossom trees that have become so popular recently.
They are almost death proof in all types of soil. They grow fast so you will have a nice shade tree in a 2 or 3 of years. Hard to sell trees these days because people are paranoid about falling leaves.
We forget about the shade, privacy and colour. Such a shame.
We had some fun this week on Facebook when we asked our friends to write a caption for this photo.
We had 100 comments and Kim Jackson won 2 tickets to The Australian Garden Show which is on this weekend at Centennial Park. Can you think of a caption?
The snails cost $59.99.
Pig got all dressed up for the first day of spring! We love that pig.
Come and see us if you need help in the garden.
Happy Gardening