Need your help guys! - Nov 14, 2013
Dear Gardening Friends
Last weeks rain was fantastic. It has turned your lawn green again almost overnight and plants growing in the garden have sprouted fresh new growth. The weather has been cooler too so this has given your plants a chance to actually grow!
Don't stop watering now. if you dig in the ground you will see that it is still bone dry just below the surface.
I was waking through Mawson Park this morning with the boys on the way to school. I love this park with the big trees and open spaces. They have had the sprinklers going all spring trying to keep the grass green. As a rate payer I am happy to see the council using water to keep one place in Macarthur green. I Believe that green is a cooing colour that makes us all feel better.
For several weeks I have been watching the gardeners trying to keep some freshly planted white ground cover roses alive. Roses hate root competition from other plants and because this park is full of gum trees roses will always struggle to survive. There are some Pink Flower Carpet roses growing in a more open garden that are thriving. Last week they were watering the plants without a nozze on the end. I don t mind this but I know if the gardener had a Dramm Rain Wand the plants in this garden would qet more water and when plants get more water they just grow better. Anyway to cut a long story short Tim's Garden Centre donated a Dramm Rain Wand to the head gardener this morning. He was surprised and very happy.
With Christmas fast approaching if you want to be a real gardener put one of these on your wish list. Now there are many copies out there that are much cheaper than the Dramm. Don't be tncked these are CRAP. The Dramm has heaps more holes so the water comes out nice and soft so your soil can absorb it. The long handle means you are putting the water directly where it is needed. It's great for watering pots and hanging baskets too. We use them here at the nursery all the time. I am so passionate about this it drives the staff crazy. Water = life.
Simon and I went down to see our Christmas Tree farmer on Tuesday. Rob has been growing our trees for 25 years. The trees are looking great this year. They have all been hand pruned into the perfect Christmas tree shape. Rob is growing trees that are the perfect width and height for a modern home. You won't need to poke a hob through the roof! These trees make your house smell like Christmas. The pine fragrance is divine. Trees win be available at the nursery from Saturday 7th of December. Come early in the morning so your tree is fresh.
Taking about Simon he caught a Back Prince cicada in his garden last week. When I was a kid if you caught one of these and took it to the chemist they would give you $50! That was the rumour. I have no idea what the chemist was going to do with them. Does any body know? The story about Simons 5/2 diet was on SBS on Monday nignt. Very interesting, skinny people live longer too! But I did notice they were very boring! Perhaps they don't live longer, it just feels longer.
We won Best Garden Centre in NSW at the Nursery and Garden Industry Awards night on Friday. We were in the specialty section this year. Graham Ross won an award too for services to the industry. He is a great guy and a great friend of our industry.
I also met Brendan Moar from the Lifestyle Chanel on Foxtel. Very handsome man!
If you have a Lavender bush in your garden then prune it now. Lavenders should be cut back by 20% in late spring and autumn to keep them looking bushy. They will also flower more if you prune them.
Our Purple Fountain Grass is looking great in the garden. It is covered in weeping purple flowers. I love the purple foliage on this plant too. If you are planting these give them plenty of room. They grow bigger than what the label says. We have some in stock for $13.99. There is a dwarf growing variety available too.
I need your help with the African Aids Foundation tomato. We grew these from seed from that giant tomato I bought in Noosa.
The rain has made them take off so we need to sell them quickly. This tomato was bred in 1930 and the fruit can grow up to 1kg. They taste deicious. Plants cost $4.50 and all the money is being donated to AAF in Camden. If you have been thinking about growing one, please do it now
Lisa has just taken delvery of a new Chilli plant called Trinidad Scorpion Butch T. This is the hottest Chili plant in the world with a heat rating of 15/10! They are on the herb bench for $5.25. See Lisa for more information, p.s. Not for the faint-hearted!
Have you seen those spectacular pink flowering trees in Menangle? There is also one growing opposite the court house in Mawson Park, "hey are called Cape Chestnut trees. They are slow growing and they can take up to 10 years to flower. They make a beautiful shade tree. We have 4 plants only. Hard to find these in nurseries.
There is only 5 weeks till Christmas so plant some colour in your garden now so it boks great on Christmas day.
Pots and hanging baskets are the cheapest way to give your garden a face Ift. Our Raspberry Blast Petunias are looking sensational out the front. Check them out.
Happy Gardening