Bold Cold Colour - Jul 12, 2013
Dear Gardening Friends,
Tim is still away I goofed last week and had him back a week early so you have got me again. Tim and the family have been at Australia zoo this week and we got sent a photo of Tim being eaten by a crocodile! Now, before you start worrying the Croc has been checked over by a doctor and had a tetanus shot and should pull through ok but has been warned on the dangers of junk food.
My hands are completely frozen at the moment another light frost this morning for us, the mild winter has kept all the plants sprouting new growth and of course this has been burnt back a little over the last few mornings. The best thing you can do in this situation is to leave the damaged parts on the plants until in warms up a little if we get another frost then it’s that damaged growth that protects the plant from further damage. Give them a dose of Seasol this will help them recover and also make the plant more cold tolerant in the future. To combat the cold we have bags of firewood in stock, 20 kg bags cost just $14.99 each or take two bags for $28.00. The wood is chopped up old sleepers they are hard and long burning just the ticket for these cold nights. If you are like my friends (they have their fire blaring 24/7 it is so hot inside their house you can’t stay in there for more than 5 minutes, it’s the only place you can visit when its -5 degrees and still be in your speedos!) then we can organise a bulk delivery. Our turf supplier also does bulk fire wood minimum 2 cubic metres for delivery in the Campbelltown area from around $270.00 or pickup for $110.00 per cubic metre.
Speaking of Turf, after three weekends of no Turf because of the rain its back I have ordered 50 rolls of both Kikuyu and Matilda Buffalo. Each roll covers ¾ of a square metre $4.25 for the Kikuyu and $7.50 for the buffalo. I your lawns have areas that have been ruined by the recent weather come in and see us this weekend and get it fixed up.
No doubt the majority of you saw our facebook page this week and my rant about the mindless fools that wrecked the gardens on Monday night. For those of you that did not we lost an old lilly Pilly a whole lot of pansies just ripped out and thrown everywhere they even pushed over the big urn and trampled all over the gardens, It makes my blood boil just typing about it still. We all would like to thank you for your positive comments towards the gardens it is great to feel loved. There was some quite funny remarks and also some shall we say ‘fruity’ comments as well. Check it out
Talking about the gardens a couple of months back Karyn planted out the poppy display, these plants seem to take ages to flower but the patient gardener is rewarded with a spectacular display in late winter /early spring. For the impatient gardeners we have done the waiting for you and have in stock poppies that are ready to pop they cost just $3.00 each. Ryan has also ordered in some Polyanthus this week they come from one of our long time suppliers and I think they are the best we had ever seen from him. These plants are great to brighten up a shady spot in the garden; the plants are also $3.00 each.
This week is the big move for Monika we have been hearing about this for a loooooong time she is pretty excited as you would expect. Apparently the house has a turret and they have named it Cookies Castle (her last name is Cook). As I write this she is cleaning the house and unpacking. It is an extra big week for Monika, her number Two son is getting married on Saturday and we wish them all the best and hope for great weather. She will be back to work on Sunday, I think just for the rest!
Our orchid man is dropping off a whole lot more Cymbidiums today all in flower looking sensational! We are even getting some hanging baskets. For best results these plants prefer a shaded spot outside and to encourage flowers each year don’t forget to feed them regularly I find this more or less guarantees flowers. We recommend Strike Back for orchids as you only need to apply it a few times a year, as the flower spikes appear put a stake behind them for support.
Just arrived this week is the first batch of Kalanchoe for the season all in full bud and showing colour these plants are in the succulent family and need little to no maintenance. They make the perfect gift for friends or for yourself we can even pot them into a nice pot for you and the girls can gift wrap the potting service and wrapping service is free!
Something else new in is Pulmonaria ‘Electric Blue’ a shade lover with spotty leaves and brilliant blue flowers this plant is great for a hanging baskets or planted under shrubs., but not yellow plants because that’s Parramatta colours haha!
The Grapes are finally here Yay! So the car park can be cleaned up and all the potting is done. All of you that had expressed an interest in purchasing some plants call in and see us over the weekend.
A plant that is flowering in my garden now is the Philothecas formerly known as Eriostemon their common name is Wax Flower, funnily enough the flowers are indeed waxy almost plastic looking, Most philotheca grow no taller than 2 metre and many under 1 metre some even ground covers. These plants have fragrant foliage and pink buds opening to pure white flowers. The wax flowers will grow in a semi shade position as well as a sunny spot they require very well drained soil so if you have clay, build the up and improve the soil with some native mix. The most spectacular flowering form is called Philtheca australaiscus and has flowers as big as a one dollar coin the other thing about this plant is it’s a local and the observant bush walker can see them in the wild flowering now. My Wife’s Family live at wedderburn and all through their garden this plant can be seen if you know where to look. I have some of these in stock, pink and white forms $14.99 each. We also currently have in stock six other varieties Stardust, Flower Girl, Bournda Beauty, Ruby Cascade, Winter Rouge and Myropoides.
That’s it from me this week Tim is definitely back next week so I promise back to regular programming thank you all once again for the kind words on face book
Come in and see us this week end
Happy Gardening